Saturday, June 25, 2022

Danger Zone


I decided to break routine today instead of just reading my book out in the common areas and enjoying the sunshine I decided I would figure out something to do with the day. For me, the easy answer is always “go to the movies”! I really don't want to sound too geriatric but I'm finding that if I go to an early movie I can get home and still do something significant around the apartment is not just watching the news and fixing some sort of dinner. I kind of wanted to watch Jurassic Park 3 but figured I better finish what I started a couple weeks ago and then something happened to the film projector at the theater so I kind of forced myself to finish Top Gun if you remember I'd only watched about 15 minutes of the movie before something happened to the projector. So I decided I would finish the project.

I've been paying more attention to my movie profile. Because I belong to that movie opportunity Riegel offers are just been increasing my points and I have over 8000 points and generally score a “free” bag of popcorn with just 2000 points or an upgrade of popcorn or drink for just 2 bucks. Today I actually got upgraded from my usual bag of popcorn which runs be around $6.75 to a tub of popcorn for 2 bucks. I could've done the same with my drink but I figure the theater needs to make some money so I bought the regular drink which was roughly $6 so my cost today was roughly $8 which somehow made me feel good. For the first time in a great while there are other people in the theater besides me. There weren't a lot after all this movies been out for some time but there were quite a few. There are couple interlopers – – able-bodied folks who sneak into the disabled reserve seating where I have to sit but I didn't take my spot and is laid out my stuff and made myself a home a tub of popcorn, bootleg Tootsie Roll products for the red fruit punch with ice. I timed it perfectly haven't awake only 3 or 4 minutes before the main feature started saving me from endless movie previews.

I was pleasantly surprised at myself for being able tolerate 2 hours of Tom Cruise. I have to admit the guy has aged well. He has that rugged young/old look with good teeth. I'm still surprised Cruise is able to pull off the insubordinate combat flyer. The establishment is always trying to get rid of them but they can't of course and when they finally figure out a way to can Cruise's ass and international crisis erupts demanding his peculiar wildcat way of flying. A lot of good flying shots and improbable encounters and events that could only happen in a Tom Cruise movie but still entertaining. I definitely would like to see the enlistment numbers during this film run. This is right up there with Independence Day all good for I Saturday afternoon in June

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