Sunday, June 12, 2022

A Hot and Blustery Day

It has been a hot blustery daybut that has not been a surprise weather forecasters of been indicating that a cold front is bearing down on the state and should be here tomorrow with rain and 30° drop in temperature. Temperatures today about 100° way about normal for this time but I'll take that and love every second of the heat. In fact all week the temperatures have been in the high 90s. For one reason or another have not taken advantage of these temperatures except to go out and read in the shade. However, this morning I woke up more refreshed than usual specially after yesterdays debacle of bowel issues. Perhaps most significant to my well-being was a feeling of confidence that after the intervention of my home healthcare person yesterday I'm reasonably assured I'll not have a “blowout”.

It's Sunday morning so that means meeting the kids at the restaurant for breakfast. I think we had a pretty decent breakfast with a lively discussion regarding employment, the benefits of legacy money from family members who are willing to help with educational expenses and possible foundations of work or company development. It is always interesting to see the kids pointed view growing up in a upper-middle-class system. I know I sound of so old school trying to emphasize the need for a good education particularly if you have options to help pay for the education. The other people just want to jump into whatever work environment they can start making money with only a slight concept of saving. The conversation was not negatively “lively” but it was time to close the discussion down and get on with our lives. It seemed today everyone that may have some place to go and I did as well in the back of my mind.

As I indicated in the first paragraph I've spent most of the week actually just reading and various shady mix and crannies of the apartment complex. You recall I still have to get my patio cleaned off to really read there. Following the breakfast I decided rather than reading today I might exercise my “endless movie ticket” taken a movie or two. On the bus, and to the movies arriving with maybe 20 minutes before the movie actually starts due to commercials/previews. I got my tickets and went up after visiting with they “ticket taker” to make sure that be no problem with me coming back to the movie. I went out in this I was thinking of something to do I realized that the time for the movie to begin was closer than I realized. I grabbed my stuff headed back for the theater checking with the ticket taker to make sure that I had the right theater and rolled in. There was no one there I was the only one in the theater that wasn't necessarily a new situation so I didn't necessarily think that was weird. Finally, the previews ended and the movie began I thought it was weird because it look like it was animation which it turned out to be! And then I realized I was in the wrong movie! Unbelievable, I grabbed my stuff and zipped out of the theater and into the theater that are supposed to and of course the movie had already started but was still close enough to the beginning I didn't feel I had missed anything and really I hadn't. I must admit however I was totally chagrined and from now on I'm committed to looking at my tickets much closer to make sure I'm in the right theater…

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