Wednesday, June 08, 2022

Mini- Bio

I got an email late last week from somebody at the office of Utah Nonprofit Housing Association(UNPHA). This is the organization on the board is served least 15 years. The Association is a good group we strive hard to produce accessible and affordable maybe not in that order but that's my position on the board to represent people with disabilities and now seniors with disabilities. I'm totally impressed management of this organization particularly and how they've incorporated cutting technology in communicating with staff as well board members. So it was with interests I read the email asking that all board members submit a current photograph, a headshot, and with short paragraph basically mini – biography or bio. This truly is not a big deal but for the life of me I been dragging my feet trying to get this request accomplished and off of my to do list. In fact, I really think it's passive aggressive behavior, I have developed a generic paragraph somewhere in all my writing. So today begin Monday and a 2nd request for this information I decided to sit down and focus on the project. I sure did not want to have to redo the whole thing if I have a perfect bio somewhere on my huge hard drive.

Finally after lunch and pumping my arm bike for an hour begin searching my hard drives. At 1st I came up with nothing which kind of freaked me out because I remember doing this for another board is set on a couple of years ago. Tthen I picked up my tablet and searched my “ink pad notepad” software and found a very basic paragraph but at least this paragraph is a place to start. It took me a minute or 2 to figure out how to attach this file to an email I sent to my desktop or outline dictation software located. Of course I'm not really started the process you accept for actually printing out the file and then going marking that file with pencil. Unlike the bio I produced for Lori Brock which was rather in-depthand I wish I could find it now while I'm writing today and tomorrow is just basic just “who and where”.

I'm surprised at how many thousands of documents I have on my hard drive. I can't imagine being that busy or writing that much of so little to show for that much verbiage. Of course, a lot of the files are blog entries and that's all right, I think I will embark on a task of going through deleting a lot of that garbage before the final day when I part this mortal coil. It's not that I'm embarrassed with anything that I have on the hard drive (though really though I should be) I just don't want Mark Anthony or L Michelle having to come through so many files were really no reason except that they are there. they will have their hands full with journals in such little loan hard drive. Below really courageous I would just nuke the whole system – – and I might – – as that day comes closer.

So, after writing this post, I actually feel a little Limburg verbiage wise maybe I'll work on file tonight before bedtime and forgo my usual Marvel fix…

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