Friday, June 23, 2023

Movie Sleep


Most significant thing I did today was actually go to the movies. It's been a couple of months that I've wasted my $20 investment to all the movies I could stand or go to and did not go to any movies. So today I did 2 pieces of animation the spider universe and elemental both I think are okay however I could not stay awake in the spider universe which am going to have to attend again just to tie together since I have no recollection of all except except that it's the black Spiderman universe. I'm sure it's good I just can't remember a thing about it. This event took a major portion of my afternoon of course since I don't or I'm not working out at the present time I have the time to give..

I felt somewhat comfortable Lissy did a great job cleaning up my chair from yesterday especially the cushion which is the culprit with all the older day. For a couple times I was worried the odor would break through but I don't think that really happened much. I just have to remember to start packing pads when I can't get the bathroom quick enough. I don't know if this is an issue of bladder infection or another phase of my life that old age. It's funny because I was thinking of life immediately following my accident and rehabilitation and returning to life in general I struggled with a lot of the same issues the odors of urine and fecesIf such happened in public. What did I got over the issue is not the worse for wear. Today I still feel a lot of the same feelings but I have a lot of other options to use Which I described in other blog postingsOf late. I'm sure my beloved readers are getting tired of my focus on level problems right now seems to have a major space in my consciousness. As I've been pondering this situation I was thrown back to life shortly after my initial orientation to disability especially returning to school and having to deal with bladder and bowel issues. I got to that time without an issue that I'm sure I'll get through this time as well I really must be more conscientious however take the pieces of technology that are offered for these issues. Seriously, I'm not the only one out there with the same problems. There are enough support industry in odor removal.

The hot days of summer are not yet arrived. The sunshine today the wind blew as well. The movie was cold but we should take it lap blanket with which I could've wrapped around self enjoyed the movie probably slept deeper than I already did that's okay what else am I going to do? The 1st movie spider universe I was the only person in the theater I can see the 5 foot pile of poop and no one will know except me. Luckily that was not an issue. Supposedly the hot weather will return next week I sure hope so I want to enjoy a few days this summer…

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