Thursday, June 29, 2023

Thursday's Theme

I pretty much have the letters done for the month. Now I have to go through the whole process of moving them from this system to the big system. Actually, technically they're already on the big system because I save this material to my internet account on the net which is linked to the computer the PC computer but I still have to download the document saved from this tablet and do any refinements edits to the documents and then start the process of printing the documents out. That of course means that I need to print the envelopes as well if I want to get this done by the 1st of the July. I'm sure I can pull it off tomorrow the only thing I really have that I'm aware of is my time with Melissa in the morning that's it. I should have the time to do the printing and editing stuffing and then mailing in fact I might wait till the first of the month of the mail the documents which I think would be like Saturday or Sunday or something. I was surprised at how well the writing is gone using this to writing system. I wonder how much or how well the new tablet will be for dictating documents such as this. I really hate to not use the PC as much as I would like. Perhaps after a good visit to PC laptops and the thorough cleaning will make a difference in using the software. Again, I don't know how much of it's the software and how much of it's equipment like the headphones. I'm sure it'll work its way out one way or the other.

I have been soaking the cotton swabs and then putting them in my mouth which is how I think the dentist wanted me to do it. I think it's the only thing I can do I just don't know if I'll be good enough. I'm worried that what I'm doing is making that bone more brittle. I wish I either remembered more what the dentist said are he explained it better so that I can understand it. I'm not quite sure what this process will do but he seemed pretty sold on the whole concept I'm going to go with him on that. However, I am stealing myself up for more Oral Surgery if the time comes. I think it's doable maybe a little dramatic during the process but it shouldn't take that long and even if he has to chip away a lot as long as he leaves me a bit of a Jawbone I should be happy. I continue to lay back in my chair as much as I can in order to take the pressure off the buttocks. I'm hoping this will make a difference in healing the area that got skinned the other day. I feel it's doing good because I don't feel any pain in that area. Granted I haven't been able to do much else but I don't think there's a whole lot outside I really wanted to do especially since I can't really do a whole lot in this chair I don't believe it's a lot of pressure on my feet and it worries me a lot as far as my heels go I don't want any skin breakdown there either. My goal is to continue to be as independent as possible from day to day. I was up fairly early after kind of interesting night of sleep or lack of sleep. I'm not peeing a lot during the night like I usually do I don't know why that is but I'll take it for the time being. I dolled a little bit getting ready but was ready in time for coffee social which went pretty well today and was pretty well attended. I was surprised the amount of money it generated today 10 or 12 dollars. It seems like everyone had a fairly decent time and we'll live to have coffee another week…

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