Thursday, June 08, 2023



I'm happy to announce that this morning's coffee went off without a hitch actually went off better than usual. I had help from one of the attendees who is sort of stuff to now the Irene has had her medical issues. This individual action made a chocolate cake which greatly added to treats offered at the coffee. In fact we only use half of the cookies that I got last night at the dollar store.

Interestingly each day has been somewhat of a carbon of the preceding day with nice mornings followed by dark menacing clouds with a few lightning bolts and a few peals of thunder and that's been it. Following coffee social I scampered across the street did some shopping I really want to do some enchiladas this weekend. The tortillas I had been saving for months were casualties last months refrigerator cleansing. Directly across the street is a small taco factory and Mexican food store. Not a restaurant but someplace nearby things Mexican to eat. Like to go in there and just think of things I could make if I only knew a little bit more. I explained to the individual who was helping me that I wanted corn tortillas and they opened up the special container of actually had hot tortillas which I gladly took to use for the enchiladas. When I informed him that I wanted a tortilla for this purpose he launched into a a host of items who thought that I needed special cheeses etc. I'm not doing anything that special. Good opened up a can of ground beef heated up cook at roll up the tortillas then drench everything with a can of enchilada sauce I've been coveting for years. I actually have a small package of shredded cheese in the refrigerator plus a brick of that soft cheese like Velveeta which I don't know woodwork that good for enchiladas. I'm thinking I might even use some of the jalapeno peppers and carrots for these enchiladas might be good. More than anything I just want to have some good left over food that I can eat easily over the weekend. Do you use olives in enchiladas? I certainly have those available I shall have to think about it just like on pizza olives adds to everything.

It's unbelievable that I'm looking down the barrel of another weekend which means it's almost time for the family function. I'm greatly relieved that my sister, Leah, will be coming down a few days ahead of time to ramrod things together. She's a lot like that. Very much like mom was. Leah can get things done with total efficiency. I even checked with Jennifer, the building manager, just to make sure that we have the room scheduled as I had remembered and sure enough not only is the day set aside but I have the afternoon and evening at the previous day set aside as well so we could do events here on Friday night if we need to buy.that's going to happen. So I guess we will set on that agenda. I've got the wash them for the weekend, hopefully some cooking and do some cleanup in the kitchen as well and do some floor sweeping and whatever and talk lessee into tomorrow as far as apartment cleanup but I don't think it will be much. I got a lot cleaner stuff out Gloria. I still have to put 100 and garbage cans tonight maybe watch a couple dishes then get ready for Friday and the weekend…

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