Saturday, January 22, 2005

Saturday Night

Saturday night, and I wanted to get a couple of thoughts down before I finished this day. I made it to Jamies OK. He drew blood for PSA and a urine sample but he did not seem too concerned. I even got the script for the new power wheelchair. I must now convince the insurance folks of my need. OH! I also had enough time to stop at the battery place and get two new batteries. The batteries are great I had gobs of power all day. I felt invincible as I shopped and ran errands.

<>Dianne brought Auni home to spend the night when she came back from her Dr’s appointment and the two of them have been goofing off ever sense. I washed some dishes, spoke with Shelly a moment. I have also been reading my current novel Moonfall, Jack McDevitt. This is a great read. I recommend the novel to anyone who wants great SCIENCE in their science fiction. Mc Devitt is great in that he not only speculates the “"What if"” He then actually writes about “he what if” like he knows what will actually happen if something sciency actually happened like a giant comet were to smash into the moon. I wish I read faster. —It takes me so long to read a book compared to other folks. I do eventually get through the books and I do enjoy the exercise. Oh by the way, Michelle Au is pregnant!

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