Sunday, January 16, 2005

Sunday Morning Back Pains

Typical! I slept poorly during the night--problems taking a leak. I just could not go. I finally did get some sleep but woke with pain and bloated feelings...probably third stage renal failure. Dianne suggested I might be experiencing enlarged PROSTATE!!...I think Dianne might be right. Great! Probably cancer!!! So this is just one more thing to have checked out. God, I love the aging process. I will be lucky to see sixty. So, this week I must make arrangements to get off work and start the testing process. I am sure this is the end my friend. I'll keep you posted.

It's a holiday weekend for me so I am still trying to have some fun. I am cooking today. I am making lasagna . Dianne has run to the store to get a couple of ingreedents I did not have here at the house so I am catching up on the blog till her returrn. A quiet , cloudy day in Murray--really too cold to go outside. I am starting to read a novel MOONFALL and looks like it will be a good read.

Dianne is back now, we have mixed the rest of the lasagna and it is cooking it's last 10 minutes. Bridget , the daughter, came over and she and Dianne in the sauna. Hopefully everything will be done soon and we can eat. I am hungery.

I love sunday nights on a holiday weekend I know I have another day to enjoy and I intend to. Every one have great MLK day!!!

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