Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Tooth Ache

I have to admit I was not broken hearted this morning when I spoke to Dave and he informed me that there would be no meeting this morning of the Assist advisory board . I just didn't feel up to transiting all the way into the city today not after yesterday's challenge..

I suffered through the night with the molar that seem to have gone rogue back my mouth. Actually it suffered with the to fall through the weekend. It got worse and worse and even though I took my ibuprofen regimen the night before the the drug did little to get the pain through the night .. I got up shaved got dresse and waited for 8:00 AM. At the stroke of 8 AM I called Dr. Jones my dentist.. Of course all I got was the recording which told me that no one was until 9 AM. I got dressed and cleaned up around the house and called at 9 AM and left a message.. I got involved in small projects but about 11 o'clock had not heard back from Jones office so I called again and the receptionist informed me you try to get a hold of me three times to let me know that I had at 1220 appointment. 1220! Boy! The receptionist wanted know if I was going to make it – – I thought of my pain and said yes I'll be there. I thought about taking the bus, my traditional mode of transit but I didn't think I would make it I did not want to risk being late. I decided to bite the bullet an take  Redcab service  i have used before but very sparingly.

I called the cab they said they would pick me up by 12p.m.– – in fact the cab showed up at 1155 wondered where I was at. I got to the dentist office and Drew Luke,, took some pictures basically told me he couldn't do anything for me and said the best option was an endodontist. Long story short we found an endodontist would take me at 220 if I can get there. Taking a big gulp I called Red cab again .. The first cab cost me $22 the trip to the endodontist cost $18 I was spending money fast.. I'm just pleased to have the cash spent at this point in time.

I ended up going to an Endo had no idea who they were. I regular Endo was closed down probably having the Christmas party which only makes sense this time of year. But the placement relatively new large and expensive – – they must do good work and a lot of it – – I didn't have best choice though this guys going to do it. This guy was Dr. Howard will like kind of a young guy but was quite skilled. I instantly had total faith in him. He got to work shopping with tons of analgesic but did not put me under. He was cool seem totally focused but was engaged with folks around him especially his assistant. He did a great job. I was out of there around 4:15 PM. I got the bus home, saved a lot of money… After payment of $609.99 it was the least I could do.

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