Thursday, March 21, 2019

Community Attic Spring Sale

Patton (DVD 1999) 2 Disc Set Fox War Classic Edition Military & Sealed
It is the Community Attic Spring sale, the Community Attic is the little secondhand store across the street and the senior center. It's a cute little facility management cranky old ladies were also nice but very protective over there little operation. They have your basic items like mismatched silverware, dishes, cups and saucers all manners of clothing and various odds and ends similar to what you'd find at a garage sale. I did not realize at first but the Community Attic is the home of items left in apartments here at the complex when the renter dies and the family or whoever doesn't want to clean the apartment out. All the stuff that sellable ends up in the attic.

I love a sale and even though I've been at this facility for now going on three years I'm still looking for things for my kitchen and bathroom are whatever treasures might pop up at a place like the Community Attic. Normally, the attic is comprised of two very small rooms that may have been closets at one time an enlarged to one room for the shop but on Spring sale a lot of the material that's been stored off premise is brought in and set up in the area next to the shop which is also the lunchroom, community area. Wandering around the aisles of discarded items is creepily like hanging out at a estate sale. You can only deny the reality of what you're doing so long before you must accept the fact that you're going through the remains of somebody's life. I wonder what conversations that coffee cup had or how many Christmas dinners that find China's Disher plate served. Same with the close hanging up on the long racks. Faded skirts, trousers I don't even want to think about strange pieces of undergarments and even a table of weird stuff children's toys the kind you often see attached the grandmas wheelchairs, beds are on their dressers. Then there's even a section of electronic and quasi-devices, equipment and resources. Scores of movies: videocassettes, DVDs and even CD-ROMs. As far as I'm concerned this is where the real treasures are found in a joint like this. The trouble is for me these items are always stacked on top of each other on tables or around corners right can't get to in my big power chair and limited hand function. But I'm forced to look anyway. I don't know I got depressed the second I started looking and realizing there is really nothing there I want to see that was and tell I happen to see the DVD Patton, that great soldier from World War II. I don't know why I felt that I needed to have this film, and I really liked the film the first time I saw it every time sense. I love George C Scott, do such a great job with that role or any other role I've seen them in. I grabbed the film and wandered around the gym a little longer just play like I was interested in checked out. I was pleased to find the film cost one dollar. One dollar for Patton! Such a deal. I brought a home and the movie is laying on my desk and I haven't watched the DVD yet. I'm going to wait probably until bad weather moves in and I'm forced to stay inside and have nothing else better to do than to once again watch this depiction of an old war horse and marble at how these people, those that did, survive the giant meatgrinder of World War II…

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