Saturday, March 09, 2019


My friend Lori-one of the folks in the writers club/Guild has written a play. Actually this girl/woman has written many plays in many stories she's quite gifted. She is the standard for writing. She loves to write she loves to create I wish I was as focused as she. I too would like to write a play, a real play, not a skit like I have done in the past and we called it a play but a real-life multi-act with a little depth play. The good and the bad part of this desire is that I already have a concept idea of what I would do a play about. I've talked about it for years I'm surprised I haven't written about it in the blog – – I did do a cursory review of the blog and I cannot find any reference so this is a first.

The plan mentioned it in writing is called WindowsA play about folks with disabilities on a bus for people with disabilities. I got the idea for the play from a incident which happened to me when one reason or another I was I had to use the local flex trans bus system – – a system for folks with disabilities – – take me home from work for about a week. What intrigued me was there were a number of other individuals on the same route that I was. I guess we are all subscription writers. But, I guess I live the farthest away so I was the last to be taken to my destination. As we took the same route every afternoon I began to notice patterns of the homes we passed cars of the driveways, toys on the sidewalks some yards moan other yards left to nature. In the winter when the darkness came early I could see into homes. The time was 5 o'clock 6 o'clock somewhere in that time. You could see routine of families, single people to whoever lived in these homes with big windows.

The play would be about a group of folks with disabilities on such a bus and a newcomer, somebody who rarely uses public transit and especially transit specifically for people with disabilities. He shakes up the crew by encouraging them to be more independent and to challenge the system they've never thought of challenging before. He challenges the crew to use the mainline service which in some ways threatens the group. This happens because the groups talking about how disappointed they are because they cannot go somewhere or do something because their dial a ride space or paratransit system will not carry them except for designated work related or health-related destinations. They never consider just going out and catching a bus. This is what the play would be about. I've messed with it my mind for years I've even tried to sketch it out. I would like to get one draft of it done sometime before I die but I don't know if I will. I still love the idea though there's just something about the transparency of Windows.

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