Friday, October 08, 2021

Friday Night In Who-Ville


It's Friday night in Who-Ville. When the best parts about autumn/winter is the fact that at 7 PM feels like 12 midnight because of the darkness. You know dark crawls in early in the evenings now we get a bit of reprieve to go to standard time but still after 6 PM you might as well kiss the daylight goodbye. So with that in mind I figured it was time to put the shades down in the bedroom. Typically I don't have the shades down because my arm bike faces out the window and I love to watch the park as I pumped my bike endless hours during the week seems.

It's not that I'm terribly immodest, though I am kind of are basically that I don't really care who sees me naked but I know that's not universal sad to say. So, I figured with the darkness outside anything illuminated on the inside to show out for the world to see and since the rules not ready for nudity and specifically my nudity… Yet I figure it's best that I exercise a little self-control and seemingly modesty. Of course, that's easier said than done in the world we live in. The world we live in is designed and made for people who are able-bodied people the kind of physical limitations is another matter entirely. A great case in point is that the apartment that I live in, which I loved by the way totally, is a “wheelchair accessible” unit. What this really means is that there's a roll in shower and the sinks might be raised a little bit in the bathroom and the cabinetry the kitchen is a bit lower than the other units. That's about it. With the exception that I did get them to take out the carpet in my unit and now I have hard floors that if I had access to my legs I'd slide across in sock feet like Tom Cruise from Risky Business to Bob Seger's Old Time Rock n'[ Roll .I of course would've use that as the video clip for this posting if I weren't banned from YouTube. Oh well such as the price of freedom. So the point that I'm laboring to make is that I need to bring the shades down in my bedroom relics spend a lot of my time especially after dark. You'll notice from the image that I did post that I have typical blinds, cheap apartment blinds on my window. These blinds of course or operated by cords on each side of the window that have little bitty bulbs on the end of the cord that a person with able hands could easily pull and work the shades the lower and whatever operation is ran bby the door the pulling of cords a certain way in a certain order . It's bad enough that to access these cords I have to rearrange my whole workout station but I also have to be able to get to that station me I have to move my backup power chair out of the way totally to access the cords on one side and then use one of my sticks that has a hook on the end to grab the pulls to operate the blinds. Now I've been able to manage access the pulls but without sufficient grip it's hard to pull these things hard enough or figure out and which order I need to pull to bring the whole mess down then be able to use the other side to open or close the shades – – if that makes any sense at all is driving me crazy. I sort of got them to move but each time I try to really poll on the cords the knob slides right through my fingers such as the issues facing folks with limited grasp. Anyway, I've given up on the project for tonight and luckily I do have an area that will grant me enough privacy that I get back and forth to the bed from the bathroom and back again and whatever else I might need to be a who in Who-Ville on a Friday night…

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