Friday, October 22, 2021

Subtle very Subtle


I'm exhausted tonight I've been up since at least 3:30 AM. Another night of suffering with an unresponsive urinary track. I guess it's a good deal that infection is been ruled out now, twice But we haven't really started any significant solutionary impact. I was really hoping with another night behind me that sleep would come better or at least easier… I was wrong. I was so tired when I went to bed that I tried to read a chapter out of my book and before I knew it I woke up an hour later my book in my hands just laying there. I quietly put the marker at the book book on the table bedside and tried to get some sleep. But again as before the bladder or whatever thinks it's full and sends out the appropriate messages but the bladder is essentially empty just a few milliliters of the most. Then the body game would start of make the brain think it's got a full bladder have the body get up and find the catheter lubricated insert only to find just a few drops. Fall back to the bed pull the covers up around and over in five or 10 minutes later the process starts again. Not only was body behavior inconvenient, frustratingIn the sleep deprivation is dangerous. I don't know what got me into the thought process or even wanting to but I was soon contemplating dialing 911 and going into the hospital.

And of course that's what I did. Called 911 who dispatched employees of United fire Federation . I was shocked at how provincial these guys active. In fact I almost got the impression they were little put out For having to get up and go out on the run so early in the morning. Long story short the guys brought in a gurney and lifted beyond to it leaving my power chair at home – – because there is no way to transport which is a big negative in my book. In all fairness was hostility was not directed at just the guy in a wheelchair is the got the feeling that it was for everything these guys had to do they weren't happy about doing it. It really reminded me of how they staffed the early ambulances. Really men who couldn't get work other areas ended up jockeying ambulances around cities. Similar to my theory on painters kind of paint your house, barn etc. etc. These guys can get jobs and many other venue except for going out picking up bodies. The experience today was the same experience I had yesterday actually. They pulled blood, took my pulse another vitals. Eventually they turn me loose with two prescriptions and medication to relax the bladder which should stop the spasms and added bonus turning my Urine bright orange– – How cool is that?

Finally around 9:00 AM they turn me loose which was a problem and of itself sense they took me without my power chair so there is really no way for me to get home except for contacting the ambulance boys to drive me back and set me in my chair. Luckily I didn't have to use Unified Fire to return home scripts home with me and I spent a good part of the afternoon Worrying about becoming more and more dependent. This having to rely on the ambulance jocks really brought that home. Without my power chair and everything it does for me I'm kind of loser. Right now I just want to get my life back as far as not having to think I have 2P all the time

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