Friday, October 15, 2021

Morning After


I'm too exhausted to put in an image

I am kind of surprised. Even though I feel like I've been a major fight and lost not feeling that bad physically speaking. Granted my jaw is tender with a tooth was extracted and the three stitches feel strange to my probing tongue whenever it wanders over to that area of the mouth I feel pretty good. There are times during the day when I have a bit of a headache which I know is a direct result from the trauma and I feel extremely tired even though I slept till almost 7:15 AM , which never happens, I think again it was the stress and trauma of the three hours up to and during the extraction process. I even thought about going out and doing something today like possibly taking a couple movies but when I got the directions about taking it easy, no stress, I figured well of got everything I need here to stay home. I didn't even do my arm bike today because I think that would fall under the stress category. I'm even eating semi-solid foods. However I did have a issue with a Fritos corn chip that a piece snuck over from my right hand slide over to the wound side and just barely touched the end of the trauma area. I swear had I not been signaled in the my power chair out of gotten up and walked around the room.

For breakfast I had the rest of my mashed potatoes and gravy that went over pretty easy and tasted quite good. Coffee and orange juice rounded out the beverage component. Are quite limited as to how much I can open my mouth or how wide. So I'm ingesting small pieces of food whether they be broken up pieces of chocolate cake donuts or small Spoonfuls of tamale pie casserole with cottage cheese. I still have some small cups of butterscotch pudding available and tubs of yogurt for a few I need something. I also have some cups of ice cream in the freezer that need to be used up. At this point everything is oral.

This afternoon my wheelchair mechanic/Alan showed up to repair my arm on my power chair. He had to get a new part we figured out a way to do it under the chairs warranty so it's not been a cost me boy

do I appreciate that. I asked him what he planned to do this weekend what were big plans Alan said It would be watching BYU and Baylor University football game. I held my tongue and supported him in his choice of a wonderful weekend. I'm just glad to have a chair that works again and allows me the chance to be as independent as I possibly can. I'm a fast healer tomorrow should be better than today and Sunday even better than that. Temperatures again will be in the upper 50s and lower 60s with plenty of sunshine. I don't plan to overdo anything maybe sit in the sun covered in blankets and read my novel…

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