Tuesday, October 19, 2021

I Can Do This!

It's not that I'm not grateful. After all I was able to get in and drop off my urine sample and get my medication started. The problem and I'm having is that the medication she sweet taken his time kicking in maybe even worse is that one of the slide effects is diarrhea! Diarrhea is not something that a person with limited function and who lives by themselves can deal with. I wish somebody, anybody would have advised me About the possible side effects of the medication. I really would've considered something different but like I said I'm grateful they got me and got me started so I have to be civilized.

 I was literally up all might long trying to ease my urgency problem – – feeling like you got ago but to not really producing anything. Finally about 3 AM I was able to get some sleep. I'm just praying tonight that I be able to get some rest without pooping the bed. This morning I just want to talk to a medical person about my situation and see what ideas they might have. By the way I missed my Assist, Inc. meeting today that I was so sick and tired. So I was up relatively early and advise the folks that I wasn't being able to come in for the meeting. They were pretty cool. Right afterwards I called my doc and of course I did not get past reception to promise they would have somebody get back with me. I went the whole day expecting to have someone contact me which never happened and so at 4:30 PM I made another call and reception just did the same indicating that the docs are busy and they'll get to their phone messages sooner or later. Really I'm hanging out here what do I do? This is watching the news and begin formulate a plan this afternoon/evening. I'm going to try to take some of my anti-diarrhea pills that I've had for ages. I got them years ago when sometimes it works I felt like I was a little diuretic. So I will try some of those and see what happens. Worst-case scenario plugs me up which I could deal with to get through this bladder infection. Maybe I'll get lucky and avoid a blowout and by tomorrow maybe the meds will kick in and get control bladder again. It looks like once again I'm headed for change Tristan my home health guy seems like he may be disappearing, there's always more to the story, but my home health people called this afternoon to let me know. On the bright side however the person that is replacing Tristan and who they feel will be a good fit will be able to do me at 6:30 AM which is perfect. In fact tomorrow she's coming at 5:30 AM which worries me a little bit but I would rather be early then waiting till 8:30 AM 9 AM or even later To start my day. Trying to stay upbeat on this urinary infection. I really want to believe that my life is going to go back to being like it was Maybe even for a couple years I don't want much.

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