Saturday, March 19, 2022

So Long Winter

Is the last day of winter, no – truly it is. This time tomorrow spring will officially wandered into this hemisphere and not too soon as far as I'm concerned. And again, the first day of spring will be characterized with rain and possibly snow in the evening. The one and only day that I need to be out in the early morning, when the storm should be rushing through. Of course tomorrow is Sunday morning breakfast at D's restaurant up a block. Were just finishing the first week of daylight savings time as well it's almost 7 o'clock but it feels like five in the afternoon and it looks like that to. Already I can get used to daylight this late in the day. The legislature is talking about making this the year round time. I cannot really figure out what they're trying to say why this should be Big of a difference on the other part of the year but that's also talking about enough to where the breeding up legislation even on the national level. Myself I think it's smoke and mirrors probably trying to deflect America's attention away from the war. It's true, there's a war going on. It's turning into quite a massive ordeal which I hope USA keeps out of that I doubt we will one way or the other be part of the message brewing in the old Soviet bloc. It's weird to have a war this televised. Ever since Vietnam the bitter wars have been televised and now with ubiquitous cell phones the reporting is so much better and so much more complete a boggles my mind. It really is a movie just waiting to happen as far as the incredulous nature of the whole farce. It's sort of like the free world is using this war is there personal entertainment. That's enough said the whole thing is too weird for me to waste good blog time on even if I'm trolling for something to write about.

My butt is finally healing up. Of course during the night the dressing that's my health nurse put on yesterday came off but surprisingly to myself I was able to attach another dressing, all by myself! I have to admit I'm kind of proud of myself I didn't think I could do it – – well I sorted did a little when I realize how close to my wound I can get with my hand. I think I could've done a much better job at I tried to dress the wound bed but I had got that far by the time I woke up this morning. Tomorrow if I need be I'm going to put another dressing on in bed that should be much better of course if that doesn't work I'll have Mark attach another dressing after our function in the morning. Sadly/embarrassingly/he called last night needing to borrow some of my cooking materials and I suggested that we skipped the breakfast because of the inherent foul weather is predicted. I just wasn't too jazzed about heading out in the blustery cold morning but he was so excited about having breakfast he wouldn't let it go so I read the writing on the walls and decided to embrace the morning in its foulness, dress warm and enjoy the breakfast.

To nice quiet day, I barely left the apartment like I said the weather was pretty to look at but not to be out in. At least, I didn't want to be out in the cold wind blowing the new cold front and. I worked out swept up some floors and even mopped the bathroom so felt like I did something today besides watch television and enjoy my apartment as well as activate another card. I guess that's as good as it gets for the last day of winter

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