Friday, March 18, 2022

Whole Again… Kind of


I don't know why but I've been exhausted all day. Actually, I know why it's because I woke up around 4:00 AM and couldn't get back to sleep. I was awake one time earlier around 1:30 AM to go to the restroom that was about it. Really figure out a felt more awake today but sadly no. So it is one of those days where I'm just kind of going through the motions and trying to feel a little productive. I've got my wash done full loop put away. I did dishes mostly this morning still have to rinse and kind of put them away. I have a couple of meals that I've cooked through the week that I've had left overs that I could use for dinner if I'm really hungry. Nothing sounds good so much as what I'd like would be simple. I have half a T-bone steak which would not be bad I even have a new baker potato and even have new sour cream and I definitely have broccoli that needs to be used up. I was really hoping on getting some garbrock going but have not gotten around to it yet had hate to lose all that broccoli. About a new pack of beef tamales too which I could actually put together with either frozen bean burrito or open can of frijoles and make my own bean burritos. If I were really energetic I could even make up some rice at some salsa and voilà Spanish rice! And then if I was really industrious I would have enough I can make two or three meals after that. But somehow I don't think that's good to happen. I also got some great and to fresh cottage cheese which with a little bit of toast might make a fine dinner early night treat.

As you can tell I'm rambling, dancing without a melody or even music so what I can share from today's on stellar events is the one stellar thing which was going to the mailboxes in finding another novel another Dan Brown. I am currently going through a Dan Brown phase. I doubt it'll be much more than these next two novels especially if he gets all Christian again as he did on the last one I just finished. Sadly, it was kind of a letdown. I expected more out of the Masons. But besides the novel was that very flat envelope from department Social Security Administration. I had long since gotten over my losses and thankfully getting back into my regular life with the exception of being totally confused with the credit cards and debit cards I am receiving after canceling the previous lost devices. Now I'm getting notice after notice of my email of monthly automatic payments being declined then having to replace the old card with the new card information. Anyway, I cut open the envelope and there was my pristine new Social Security card! I am now whole. I have a state ID and a Social Security card and numerous other pieces of minor identification but nothing is important as these two especially when used together when can move mountains and prove you are who you say you are. I quickly went upstairs to the social worker kind of person that we made copies to go in my file and then she did we might card which I'm going to file somewhere where I know I will be able to find it if and when this happens again and you know it will happen again, sigh…

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