Sunday, April 03, 2022

Breakfast- Dinner -Buds


Spring finally is feeling like it's taking hold, by that I mean there are more enjoyable days then questionable whether days where one has to stay inside or feel the dismal cold of the transitional days. The sun was out and the heat felt good with just a small breeze but challenged one's ability to be outside. I took the sun today in a large capacity opting to read outside on our patio to the common area. The big drawback to that is certainly places me in a public area meaning I have to communicate with my fellow apartment folks… Which I did! I was polite, amicable and just plain adorable and just kept repeating under my breath “just keep smiling, just keep smiling, just keep smiling” I would've made an adorable penguin. I read my book, leaned back in my chair to relieve the weight from my butt and enjoyed the radiant heat passing through my black longsleeved T.

And because of this spring, finally the trees of taken notice and a couple of the early trees have exploded in bloom. I was able to grab a couple of photos from the patio area. The tree shown here is in back of my neighbors apartment and is one of the first trees on the property to explode. Just looking at this treatment to feel good. I thought about taking an image of the tree just off my porch/back area but it looks like only half of the tree has blossomed so far. I hope that is what is happened. Hopefully nothing weird is happened to my tree and only half of the blossoms have survived.

Perhaps the best part of my day was being visited by two of my kids. One in the morning my regular Sunday morning breakfast with Mark Anthony and Jasmine and business evening Bridget, Gabriel Asher, daughter, son in law and Asher brought over dinner! What a fulfilling day. We had great times and discussion and the pleasure of each other's company.I don't know if it was part of the game plan but I was able to recline in my chair enough, relieving the pressure off of my butt to the point where I don't think I did any damage to the mending wound today either I'm healing or I'm doing something right and getting through the day.

My grandson, Asher, is quite amazing. He is already into the likes of Karl Marx, Ingles Communist Manifesto and a host of other political ideologies that seem to be way beyond his years. He's a child of the Internet. He knows YouTube and definitely knows how to use it . Is already done a few broadcasts and I'm sure we'll soon have a podcast channel of his own. Now if Asher can just keep off the government radar long enough to survive to adulthood will be an incredible thinker.. Is totally amazing what one can do attached to the great the worldwide web. It was a nice day, temperature near perfect, I think I almost spent as much time outside as I did inside and that is a wonderful thing to say

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