Sunday, April 24, 2022

Variations On A Theme


For me I have officially entered into that weird timeof the seasonal change when the days of significantly got longer. At 7 PM and it still totally daylight outside. I know that's not a big deal but for me kind of is. This means illusion that there's so much more time to do stuff and there isn't. If this were December 24 – the sun would have quit shining hours ago and in fact it would be Christmas Eve and that be trying to do some fictitious Christmas eve family togetherness thing by myself here at the apartment that's a hold of the posting. But is the last of April and the sun is shining to beat the band numb wrapping up another weekend.

Section been a pretty good day. Breakfast with my son this morning early and then my daughter and family drops by this afternoon for a short but incredibly good visit. I got to see my granddaughter who haven't seen for years literally – – that is so amazing to say – – a slight but grand reunion. Family: is not what Sundays are for? I guess Sundays don't get actually better than this one thankful for this one. I did get to nurse my current addiction however and that's doing crypto families. Crypto families are variation of cryptograms which I totally enjoy but I need a break from. Crypto families present you with a list of encrypted words all around a specific idea our topic. Usually about 10 12 words . I stumbled across this kind of puzzle when I foolishly had a subscription to cryptogram magazine which forced 300 puzzles a month on me. I think I've just done two of the books/magazines in the year or so that I've had the subscription, now canceled. I'm quite surprised at how much of enjoyed the crypto families. So much so, I'm just about ready to order the next volume which will give me 300 more puzzles the best around with. Who knows, may even get me through the summer. I do between one or two or pages a day, on good days so conceivably I may not have to order until autumn – – we shall see. The whole investment is seven bucks which include shipping just a little more than the price of one movie ticket. I guess I need to cut the coupon or the order form off of the page I ripped from the magazine, write a check for the seven dollars and post it with tomorrow's mail. The rate that I'm going I only have a few more pages left in the current volume which means I'll be having to deal with my volume of crypta quotes in general. And actually, I just remembered there's a couple pages of crypta families in that magazine. After all that's how I found out about crypta families. And now that I think about it was for five other variations of the crypta quote phenomenon. Even one made up of just images which icon of pride myself on doing. After all a kind of like variations on a theme…

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