Saturday, April 09, 2022

Duck Duck Go


Saturday mornings are the only morning really that I feel I can sleep in but I never do not just irritates the snot out of me. This morning I woke up around 4 AM not really sure if I need to use the restroom are not I tried to go back to sleep but was to worried about the consequences so I eventually used by catheter bag but never really got back to sleep. I'd like to think that I did but I didn't so I have been kind of dragging through the whole day. My rear and has been hurting a little bit as well. The weekends of the weird time between nurse visits, a long time from between Friday to Monday.

The transfer this morning was much better than yesterday's true I was much more cautious to make sure I made a decent transfer. I even cooked breakfast a fried egg sandwich with Vienna sausages not half bad. I've made by 200 minutes by Thursday and so after yesterday's workout I wasn't feeling I needed workout today but I was spending a lot of time in that area looking out the window just watching the day wishing it was warmer outside. It was during this time when I was a little startled by fluttering wings. At first I thought it was a couple of pigeons but the body seem far too large for nascent past my window. They landed just across the driveway from my window in the park. I was astounded to see these were docs a Mallard and a Mrs. duck there definitely together had never seen ducks fly like that land so acutely I think they had been on the other side of the fence and decide to visit our side which I thought was kind of strange but Mrs. duck eventually wandered across the driveway into the foliage right underneath my window and the Mallard who we'll just call Mr..Duck planted himself on the concrete edge along the driveway and sat there the entire time Mrs. duck was wandered around my window eating something nestled in the stones. I don't know why this fascinated me so much. I just never seen wild ducks, and all time I've been here wander around the driveway like that. Luckily, no vehicles came and left the back parking lot during this period of time it was at least 20 to 40 minutes though I watched a couple. I don't know if Mrs. duck could see me in my room. However, I did click my tongue make a small clicking sounds reached him I did she acted nervously sticking her head up looking back at fourth. There were a couple of times I thought sure she was watching me as closely as I was watching her. I kind of wished I'd taken the time to video this event by just couldn't bring myself to expend that energy. After all it was just a duck. I kind of wondered if Mrs. duck was looking for a place to nest which I thought was pretty strange they would look at this area of the park. I don't remember if it was yesterday possibly the day before when Asher, Bridget and Gabe came over and I drug everybody over to the small canal at the far end of the park only to discover the water was gone out of the ditch. The ducks were wandering around not really understanding what was going on with the water where it should be. I don't know if this was part of the reason I had the duck visit today but it was kind of odd save the least…

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