Saturday, July 02, 2022

Busy Saturday


I didn't sleep well during the night. That's not a new thing anymore getting pretty common and that kind of spooks me not too much because I know it's kind of a cycle not get back to sleeping well again at some point. My sleeping issue could be heat related or just the general excitement of summer. I know that sounds weird but I'm just so excited about the good weather even though I'm not doing a whole lot in it. I just like being surrounded by the heat in the wind. Because run the brink of a national holiday… Sunday in between now and the holiday I thought best I would go to the market and pick up a few things to get me over the weekend. Frozen burritos, to cans of jalapeno peppers (sliced) razor blades and a bottle of spicy vegetable juice. I know I could've waited until Monday the holiday, after all the markets will be opened on those days for shopping, but I like getting out and see the people I deal with on a weekly basis one last time before the holiday. And best yet not having to go out until the holidays over – – Tuesday.

I can't believe how productive I've been on such a hot day. Thursday night is when Jim one of the folks that live there and volunteers at the food bank brings over all kinds of contraband from the food bank by contraband I mean food that may or may not of been purposed for our particular building the gym was able get a hold of it. I noticed there was a bag of cold things oblong items like it feel to the bag and when I looked inside I could see it was fried chicken wings, or what I thought was fried chicken legs. There's about 8 drumsticks inside enough for a couple of meals at least. I thought what a weird thing to do is to fry up these legs and then freeze him. I me from the standpoint of the food bank but I grabbed them just the same a did look like anybody else was interested in them. Later that evening I was going to gnaw on one of them and my shock I realize these chicken legs which were breaded were actually raw! I didn't gag but I thought “how weird”. I put the wing back in the refrigerator with the others and went to bed. During the night as I was thinking about the chicken wing I thought to myself what these actually were were breaded chicken legs to be deep fat fried. Couldn't I just cook the chicken pieces in the frying pan? And sure enough instead of losing a bag of plump chicken legs I could cook them up. I also had a sack of half cooked chicken strips that I use last week when I made Frank which need to be cooked as well so I cooked the whole mess together and I think I have chicken for the next week! So, instead of flowing out the steak I was thinking of for the 4th I might just as well eat chicken and then Fourth of July morning run over to Macy's and pick up a watermelon and there you go I'm ready for my holiday.

The days are hot never enjoyed the few cloudburst and thunderstorms we've had but looks like the moisture is leaving the room have hot days for the next couple of days and that's okay too after its July…

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