Thursday, July 21, 2022

Scheduling Continuity


batteries in the charging station

see the gaping hole in the left, that's where the lead is brroken that's where the battery fits
 and is the part coming in the mail shortly I hope

When you have a schedule it's tough when you break that schedule get back into the swing of things. Today I let public pressure forced me to disrupt my daily schedule/routine. Today was the coffee social, the regular Thursday morning coffee yammer group. The little social worker type who now, I guess, runs the outfit asked me what I was doing these days but I had to confess to her that the 1st 3 or didn't do a whole lot except one meeting downtown. It actually allows significant I should let it stand on that but she then asked me if I'd seen any of the movies that were playing and I again had to confess that I had not and I use the excuse that none of them seem to be very interesting – – and they didn't really. But because I didn't want to have to tell anybody else what little I was doing I decided that it was a good day, no rain or problems in the weather except extreme heat and I can deal with that. I dialed up regal theater on my cell phone just to see what was playing in the one movie Mrs. Harris Goes To Paris looked kind of interesting when I saw the previews that on my last trips to the movies so I watch that and then I watched a really bizarre piece called Nope that one is really strange. I really still don't know what the movie was about… I kind of think that I do but not really. I guess is part science fiction, part horror in the 3rd part I can't even wager a guess. I don't know if I could sit through it again but I might.

I had to keep reminding myself that the new part of my lift was going to be installed today. I was really pleased after getting home from the coffee social to get a call from Danny the guy from the medical shop. He was coming over about 1230 would I be home and I said “ of course I'm here all day waiting for you.” true to form the dollars shipped through force of what I needed. The part on my lift itself, we found, is broke one of the leads from the battery pack is broken. I kind think this might have been the whole issue but no lift tomorrow back to the pump and pump option. So they ordered the new part in the don't know how long that'll take to get in at least a week probably the other did and I suppose I'll just have to wait what else can I do? Won't do any good to throw tantrum. Not that I would, that is a skill set I do not have. I will sure be glad to get this list working again and feel that I'm not being targeted for technical breakdown.

It's hard to believe that I'm sitting on the precipice of another weekend. My chair sees me fairly functional and so does my butt and after tomorrow will actually after tonight will be one day closer to when this list battery might arrive. But between the patient lift and power chair issues I'm getting kind of burnt out. I'll just be so glad when this tech storm leaves but frighteningly maybe it's sticking around as part of the whole apocalyptic thing my little universities 3 going through right now global warming to medical technology issues everything is breaking down…

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