Tuesday, July 05, 2022

Gallows Humor


It's 94 ° outside and it's almost 8 PM it truly is summer. It's a dry heat that supposed to make it better somehow and perhaps it is. I don't mind what were the other I keep hydrated and a cap on and I get by just fine. I went into the city today it was the Assist, Inc./EHR meeting where I go to couple times a month. I of course use public transit and today was no different. The last couple of weeks, for one reason or another, I've been getting off late in getting into the office after the 11:00 AM start time. I hate to do that so today I checked to find out when the buses would leave my pickup point and focused on that time and got there on time which got me to the office about 10:45 AM more than enough time to stop into the pastry shop next to the office and grab a ham and cheese croissant and it iced chai. I was doing pretty good.

Anyway, before I got to the office and as I got off the bus I noticed this peculiar item that I've seen popping up around the train stations I've been using. They must be going in systemwide but I don't know what they are. I tried to ask the one driver who's dropping me off and he could even see the item I was talking about in the driver who picked me up to go home, at the train station saw the item but told me he had no idea what the structures were. The fabricated piece of manufactured steel a very rugged and sturdy looking piece. In my twisted minds eye the piece looked or looks like a gallows somehow a least a piece that holds the noose and eventually the body. Whatever it is it's a nice piece of work, I can tell that much. I've always been amazed at the skill sets that they folks are UTA seem to have been some of the things they manufactured, in-house, over the years. So obviously, the frame is going to hold something relatively heavy. My first guess so far is that it will hold some kind of electronic device to notify individuals when trains will be coming, but they already have a fairly good system already which does that I don't know why this should be a better it would have to have some real whistles and bells. I would ask more questions over the next couple of days and get to the bottom of this. I've already manufactured all kinds of theories but I found it's best just to go to the source and find out for sure. I'm sure it'll be nothing exotic way my twisted mind seems to function.

Interestingly, I don't quite remember where on my journey I found these but there they were a pair of shoes. I don't know if these actually count as shoes or slip ons of some sort like a slipper or a thong or something a person wears in summer. Why, these are will right here on the sidewalk almost as if in mid step the wearer was translated up our disappeared or something there's a story there somewhere I wish I knew…

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