Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Plymouth View Assets

 Tuesday I'm really fortunate to live where I do.. Every time I examine where I live or show somebody else where I live it always comes back to me how lucky I am. The other day when I'm going through the crisis of trying to Survive until my patient lift has repaired or has a new battery I had my old buddy for where I used to work drop off a replacement hydraulic (pump) lift. And while he was here, I gave him a tour of Plymouth View I've done this a number of times with various visitors, friends, relatives and I come away with the feeling that I am most impressed with the library. I feel the library is one of the hidden gems of this joint. I don't really know who keeps up the library, like who keeps the books and shelves looking as nice as it does.. I don't believe there is a real librarian type person, whose job it is to keep the library in order, And have the books of put in some kind of order. Not necessarily using the Dewey decimal system of numbers and such but there is some kind of order trying to be established for example many as book serves or kind of alphabetized by the last name of the author who wrote that book. Sometimes I think all spy novels are in one section, female literature and another sports and another and so on. I mean it's not a large library it just fills one room but the place looks kind classy. In fact during the height of the epidemic when everybody was zooming everything many of my State meetings were zoomed meetings. I would often drag my notepad device to the library and use the stately stacks. I can't believe I was that shallow but it certainly, I felt, served a purpose. That was of course before I learned that you could actually dial up certain backgrounds if a person wants and then of course came the point that I didn't care anymore and I would just do the meeting for my bedroom and workout area. But the library's been a great place also the host a meeting or 2 when it's my job to do so. Like I said it's quasi-stately, usually neat, dark and imposing given the illusion of deep intellectual activity happening. It's a great prop. Of course, and I've written about this before, there are other areas of interest in this building as well like the workout area/exercise room which still holds my disgust because there are beautiful pieces of equipment and none of it is wheelchair accessible. In fact the equipment is jammed into the room so tightly even the people who walk would be challenged getting around to some of the equipment and anyone using any kind of assistive technology to get around the just be SOL. There's also a “craft room” we should be able to do stuff but the whole place is been taken over by jigsaw puzzlers and the great craft table always has part of a jigsaw puzzle laid out meaning you really can't use the room for anything else – – at least that's the feeling I get. What's okay the libraries enough and of course my buddy Kim is a major library guy or book guy, I should say. It's not that I spend all my free time up there are probably groped her to 3 times a month usually to search for a volume to read when I am not planned right and finished my current reading project early and need something hold me over to my new volume arrives. Or sometimes during snowstorms, rainstorms and major events over in the park where I can sit and watch like a spy. Also a great game I found is that the libraries close enough to the gate to the back of the apartment complex that I can open the gate by using my clicker which is great fun opening the gate for folks unexpectedly and then not knowing how it's being done to bit of a God complex. Just thought I'd do a tribute to our library

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