Saturday, July 09, 2022

Summer Saturday Night


The heat continues to be significant today it's 104°. I don't have anywhere to go so I really have not accept for a brief trip over to the dollar store as well as the market for celery. It probably was not important about what I purchased as much is just getting out of the apartment briefly give me the feeling of accomplishment in some form of control over my life. For example I don't really know how much I needed thumbtacks. I'm trying to mount my calendar to my bookcase but that seems to be evaded me no matter what I do. I came home, took the pushpins out of the container selected on and just didn't have whatever it takes to push the pan into the wood. I suppose a normal person would be able to take a small hammer or other device and pound the take in but I didn't have or don't have the skill set. I have a perfect little hammer but I just can't hold the pin and the hammer and myself upright and pound the pushpin in. I didn't waste a whole lot of time on trying to remedy this just realizing now I have 104 more pushpins I can use for other points of frustration. I think whatever I have to do is find the construction tape or whatever that hard-core tape is and pull off a piece to use the hang of calendar but like I said the trip to the market was not vain got me out hanging out the rest of the day.

Remember the image of posted last night of the Arctic circle across the street? I get almost angry each time I pass the AC going my way to the market just because the idiot refuses to open up the inside of the building for ordering and dining. These using the whole Covid thing as an excuse now to not have to hire staff – – and given the benefit of the doubt maybe he cannot find people to hire of since that seems to be a problem these days is how does for higher signs up for at least a year – – adjust irritates me that if I'm going to use that place I have to go through the driveline like everybody else to order my stuff. I mean like in the old days I remember when they didn't have a drive through they had a sliding window that you would go up in order your stuff from a not have to risk getting run over by other folks in vehicles. We only bright spot is that I'm not overly fond of their food anyway it's kind of tasteless except I do like their fish and chips and shrimp and fries. Almost makes it worth it to go through the driveline but then we have to either find some place to sit especially in the shade or whatever our hump it all the way back to the apartments. Either way I wish there's another alternative for fast food close by.

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