Friday, July 15, 2022


It's well past 5:00 PM and true to form no call from the durable medical people who is responsible for fixing the patient lift the values for so much of my life or important parts of my life has been using the toilet as well as getting showered 3 days a week. I know you all are pretty tired of my ranting and raving about might struggle with technology for assistive living but it's a major factor of my life that I cannot get away from. I can't complain too badly because we are making the lift which was a “loner” from the Utah Independent Living Center loan Bank. And even if it was a struggle to make the connections of the phone calls in the communication to the right people I was able to get a piece of equipment which has allowed me to function. However, that aside, I wish that these places which sell this stuff and theoretically offer maintenance support or just general support would reach out a little bit better to let a person know what's going on. I believe it's been about a week now since theoretically the order was made for the part in question. And I will try to trick myself into believing that the only good part about today and the piece not coming is that for sure/definitely next week we should see a piece come in and hopefully my my electric patient lift will work. As you will note from the image posted in the days blog that seems like once again I'm collected assistive technology. I'm feeling like I'm being overran with A T. Once I'm finished with the days blog I intend to move these pieces back in the bathroom stash them there somewhere probably the shower. Where they can stay out of the way until the needed Monday morning.

It seems like the newest crisis or trauma at the apartment complex is that one of the residents here are really nice guy “G” who's been here a couple years at least. He's taken on the mantle/job of resident advisor basically somebody to help out residence on oh limited basis. The job of resident advisor had been being performed by a lady named Diana who is pretty elderly herself I think just overworked. I think the controversy is that nobody knew this position was up for the taking and I guess it was offered to this fellow, who like I said is a great guy. Anyway, he's got to little dogs. Which I suppose are adorable. The apartment comes with 2 bedrooms! I don't know if there's a a salary of any type or maybe they just knock off dollars from his rent. I don't see a problem but all the sudden I've heard some rumblings particularly like “what's he needed an extra bedroom for, oh yeah the dogs”. Some folks just like to grumble. I'm sure G would do a great job and will be around to help a lot of people out. I know I've already used them once in his position. Yesterday, Friday morning I did something to my computer which got unplugged from the main area course which I cannot access so I grabbed G as she was walking past (I did not know he was the new RA at that point. He slyly informed me that putting right to work we did a great job)…

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