Friday, July 29, 2022

We The Living…

Remember Gloria? The very elderly , fragile, lady space of just sat down and died the other day. The apartment complex. She just sat down and breathe out her spirit and was gone back quickly, her daughter Cindy was devastated, which I guess makes sense speaking to your mother 1 minute go to the kitchen to get something and come back to mom's gone. Today was her funeral or something.

To the residence have died here in the last 2 or 3 weeks well-known individuals to the group, they've been here for almost the entire length of the apartments operation, long timers. Lois who really wasn't that old comparatively speaking was kind of a shock when she passed. I don't know why but her passing didn't really move me too much one where the other. It was weird was one moment she was there the next she was gone. I didn't sign the card (not like I know any of the family or they know me) and I didn't go to the funeral, viewing or graveside. One I didn't know were any of these places were and I don't know if any of them were serviced by the transit system. So I just let Lois slip away from my reality. Gloria I hardly knew at all. She walked daily a tall, skinny, frail 90+-year-old. I swear she tripped and fell she would've broken into million pieces. Her passing was not a surprise I was more surprised that I saw her every day taking her walk. Remember also she had the daughter Cindy who is taking care of her and living in her apartment. I guess I got involved because I knew Cindy and this whole thing has really been traumatic for the poor girl/woman I think Cindy's nearly 60 years old. I didn't feel bad for Lois but I did for Cindy that makes sense.

Of course the local organization/department management or whoever put together a funeral announcement. There would be a viewing at McDougal's mortuary from 10 AM to 12 and then there would be a graveside service at Taylorsville Cemetery ie. the place I call the graveyard. Whenever I travel route 47 and I'm coming home the “graveyard stop” is the 1st stop on Redwood Road once the bus makes the turn off of 4700 S. So I know the place will that's well within rolling distance. I had no desire to see dead Gloria and besides it would be to problematic trying to jump the bus and get from the mortuary to the graveyard. I decided it would be best just to go to the graveyard to show my support for my friend Cindy.

I don't know what I was expecting. I said I had the impression from Cindy that there would be nothing but suits and ties and Sunday go to meet' n clothes. Instead there bunch of hard-core middle-class looking folk. Soon there is everything there from bikers to bankers and everything in between. There were a few suits of course the whole operation was run by the LDS Bishop, and other members of the ward. I was kind surprised at how many people showed up. There is only about 12 chairs stuffed under the little canopy and there were many more people than that. There was lots of hugging and slapping on the back and a few tears. Lots of kids and umbrellas it was a hot day. The services relatively short with the Bishop taken over the main portion was saying goodbye and pass around a lot of guilt along the way. “Gloria was a good woman…” I'm glad that I went. I don't know how important it was that made me feel I was in the right place at the right time and sometimes that's as good as it gets…okay

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