Saturday, July 30, 2022

Root Beer Saturday


When you really get into sending people items like there birthday cards you really want to make sure the card gets there on time or before the event and never after the event. It's taken me a long time to figure this out for myself. I tend to wait till the last minute even though I'm looking at the calendar every day I always feel I have more time than there really is. This morning I realized if I really wanted to get my brother a decent birthday card this year and not act like a last-minute, I almost forgot, thing I'd better get going. On top of that besides getting a card on adequate birthday card I have to get a bank note or bank bill or whatever you want to call it. My brother started questioning me 20 bucks on my birthday which is adequate but since I'm the little brother I'm always trying to be more than adequate so I try to send it more in the last 2 years I sent him $100 bank bills (is that what you call the big notes?). I like doing that I know what really surprises them and makes you feel somewhat appreciative. I think even sent me one once or twice. There's just something about opening up an envelope and receiving $100 bill crisp, clean and ready for spending. So, I realize that if I have any chance in the world of getting a card with a bank note inside to him by 5 August I'm going to have to go to the bank/credit union and get one. I pulled up the banking app on my cell phone and found out that the bank closes at 2 PM on Saturdays and it was now nearly 12 PM so I had to hustle.

I was just about finished with a batch of clothes in the washing machine so I yank them out and threw them in the dryer. There weren't a lot of folks washing clothes sites me so I figured I could start the dry cycle come back to mid-load another budget quarters into the machine for the last cycle. I had to wait about 20 minutes at the Community College because the 47 westbound . I'm barefoot today refusing to wear shoes because it Saturday was the summer. I'm always a little intimidated however that somebody in power, like a bus driver, and say no shoes no service. And the driver looked pretty gruff, the very image of Republican voting bus driver. He was civilized enough when I got on board grunting and waiting for me to swipe my bus pass on the reader. Really didn't say much of anything. For some reason I never quite sure where this bus stop is across from my credit union all I can never remember is that it's by a crossing light kind of and very close to the drivers license Bureau. I also know that somewhere there is a hires root beer joint I thought was closed by busstop but wasn't sure. So as are closed into my busstop I announced to the driver that this was my stop up ahead then I asked him isn't there a hires root beer just a couple ways – – we suggest there is and I replied that I thought so and I also indicated that I'm glad because it's within rolling distance. And he suddenly became much more social and said “no it's 20 more streets up”. I still don't know if I believe him but I wasn't going there anyway is more conversation than anything else. But all sudden the driver entered into conversation with me told me how great that hires was and how great the models a root beer that you used to get the big glass bottles, gallon jugs. He said all during the summer his dad would get a gallon of root beer for the family and enjoyed it all weekend long. He had this distant look in his eyes as you could tell he was visiting another time and another place. The gruff was no longer gruff use a little kid remembering Saturdays with his dad I'm glad is able to bring that about which I was better at it…

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