Saturday, July 16, 2022



It's my own fault I do not have anyone to blame for myself but still I feel I've been slighted a little bit. I've been kind of looking forward all week to today one of my home health people is super nice since been really helpful to me especially when I've been in dire straits. She found out a couple weeks ago that I belong to big box store here in town called Costco. I'm sure this is a national chain but I just like the place because it's got great meet and really interesting cuts as well as great produce and other unique items and in many cases in large quantities. The main drawback for me since I do not have a vehicle is that the quantities are so large, many times, I can't carry it with me back to my apartment. Sometimes I buy one item or 2 items and then hang off my chair which works pretty good. But anyway when my home health person which will call Lisa found out she was excited and asked if I would go with her to Costco so she could purchase items for her kids birthday. I thought this would be a great way to get out and do something on Saturday as well as have someone to carry stuff home that I can't handle on my wheelchair. On Monday when we set up this outing we agreed that we would get together our text each other around Friday year whenever set up a time to meet because I would have to take public transit down to the Costco and I have to make sure I get on the bus early enough that I can meter down at the right time.

I did not hear anything from her so I called Friday evening or texted and she did not have the time said that we would text on the morning when she got up I did figure much about that said okay. So this morning after I got up I texted you should not apparently gotten up yet. When I did make contact with her she indicated she lost her phone and just found it and would get back to me momentarily and she has not yet. I sent numerous texts and got nothing. Now it's almost 5:00 PM and I'm pretty will burned out now. I didn't even think to ask if she worked today but you would've thought that if she did she would've let me know. I really want to help the kid out plus I really want to nurture our relationship what I want to trade in return for later use my card was to have a couple hours backup in case I have a emergency cleanup that I have to use. Lisa has always been great about working me into her schedule and I want to continue that backup system like I said she's great edge is a lot of fun. The last text I sent back was “it's getting late you want to reschedule” I have not heard back yet. I suppose I can still take the bus over to Costco meet her letter shop and then bus back even I left now it would be in the clock of not later by the time I got back and it's 93° outside. We don't want to be an ass hole but at the same time I do want to be up all night and become a feel of waste the day but then I don't think out of done anything different anyway this is different when you're waiting…

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