Monday, March 13, 2023

Coffee Social Fool


Remember last week when I was labeling 1st about them not having the coffee social on Thursday after they reassigned Rochelle to another building and then later how we ended up one of our own coffee social regardless of whether or not there is a representative for management? Well today I stopped in at the front office or washing clothes and Rochelle and the building manager Jennifer with their colluding as they often do. Rochelle advised me that yet again they were changing her work schedule so should be at the building now on Mondays and Tuesdays instead of just Wednesday's. For population and complex that's better than it was. She is also the person who you visit with to get cable box that's what you need for your. If you remember my cable box stop functioning. I have been the news via my Internet app which is okay as long as the Internet exists and is long is my computer can download whatever program you watching and keep itself buffered. It seems to have a problem with the buffering. Even though I doubt that I'll watch much cable except for the television network news shows I may sometime I may want to watch other cable channels are up to. So I've been trying to get the cable box through xfinity. This is a challenging course their bureaucracy is infinitely stressing.. It takes a amount of patience to deal with these people. Rochelle informed me that I could probably get why infinity account and my cable for about $60 less currently paying now. I know the program she's talking about but I don't really trust not just assume keep paying what I am paying even if it's closed $100 a month. And I would do it but I hate for Rochelle think I am more stupid than I actually am so good look into the whole thing if nothing more than to get the cable box and be done with it and watch the news when it's broadcast. Also, when you try to watch the national news on the local affiliate using their streaming page you can't get the broadcast for that day as it's being broadcast we could only get the day preceding the days broadcast is all complicated. It would just be better to have the cable box and 190or how many channels I think it but that is not what this blog is about.

When I was talking to the people about the cable show mentioned that we would have to change coffee social to Tuesday's and would I be okay with that. I said no. Rochelle gets things done that is why the coffee social seem to be failing. But, I let her know that would pull off last week okay and did we have to have management/administration there to have the coffee social. She said no but there's nobody who would take charge something like that like a fool that I am I volunteered to ramrod the event. It seems like we did okay last week I don't see why we cannot keep it going. At least I would have control over donuts versus cinnamon rolls. I think I get a couple of the people who helped me last Thursday to assist me on a regular basisto bring this about if it doesn't work out Rochelle can take the group on Tuesdays. I cannot believe I volunteered to do this. I should really know better than this but I like having coffee on Thursday this a way to end of the week and to bring back decent refreshments

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