Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Grind Time



I really want to get more done today specially procures some stamps for the upcoming kid letters. I cannot believe it is time to process another batch letters. However, the pain in my mouth sort of took precedent over anything else. My dentist office do not open until 10 AM. I guess I could have waited made a phone call and beg/requested an emergency appointment at least to cut the pain. But I it would be more advantageous just to show up at the office and convince staff and wait around until someone looked at my tooth.

It was fortuitous that my assist Inc. meeting was canceled this week. I love this dentist office. They treat me as family . As I was rolling up the secret side door ramp they saw me and came and opened the door and welcomed me like I was coming home from the war. Alan my dentist had not arrived the staff took me into the x-ray area and took images of my tooth. There was already a number of patients in chairs being prepped for the doctor's arrival. Cindy, one of my favorites, stuck the magic paper in my mouth and took a number of images. I did not have to wait long before Dr. Anderson breezed in . They also seemed genuinely happy to see me. After getting settled became over look at the images. When Cindy and I were looking at the images she thought I might have an abscess because of the dark area behind some of my fillings. There were numerous fillings in this poor tooth, a lot of work has been done on it over the years. Dr. Anderson is totally committed to saving this tooth.

I thought sure the tooth was going to come out. I was ready for that like I said there wasn't much left of the original structure. I didn't even think there is enough to even hang on to try to work on. Imagine my surprise when the doctor said, “ I think all we need to do is to do an arrangement”. The doctor explained to me how every once in a while the teeth shift and must be rearranged. In fact Cindy indicated that it was a fairly common ordeal for individuals were older and still have their teeth. Basically what the dentist does is to grind my teeth so that no longer touching each other when I chew which causes pressure on that filling. Because I've been chewing for a week or so my tooth pulping and been damaged and needed to rest. It would heal itself in time. I was waiting to get my high with nitric oxide when they explained to me the doctor would be drilling/grinding without anesthesia anytime which kind of freaked me but I trusted.

The procedure itself did not take long and there is very little pain if any of the good Dr. sculpted the tooth parts away where they didn't touch each other when I close my mouth moved my jaw around. There was smoke from the grinding as well as minute chunks of tubes flying here and there but soon the event was finished and I felt better even as I charge the $91. So, I didn't get anything done that I wanted except for getting some cookies for the coffee social day after tomorrow. I did my arm bike and enjoyed by pain-free afternoon. I was fortunate in the sunshine revealed today. Looks like stormy weather for the rest of the week…

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