Monday, March 20, 2023

Surfing The Atmospheric River!


It's been kind of an interesting day not the whole day mind you the just parts. Thankfully, today is a a poop day and I was expecting by Wednesday Friday girl to be here because I regular Monday girl had a function with one of her clients don't figure out today. There was some kind of miscommunication and while girls showed up during the time. It was great But odd! It was a little stressful at 1st but since my Wednesday Friday girl actually had another job she had to get to things worked out just fine. So I had Melissa, my Monday girl, finish the shower and dressing does on my way to really know where. That's okaythere is a storm moving in and a little worried about getting a few things I needed before the cold front arrived

Janet is my friend that I have copied with on Saturday mornings. We have become fairly good friends and on Saturday when we were talking about something I don't remember what that I was somewhat frustrated because I can only carry so much from the market because of my basket and how much the basket weighs. And Janet told me that if I would let her know I could meet her at the market and she could drive all the items I purchased a motor vehicle! This is so cool because so many things like the pickled peppers and juice just get so heavy and I'm quite limited in how much I can carry in and on the chair. But today when the in the early afternoon, before the storm, a bit Janet at the market and I did serious shopping. 6 cans of pickled jalapeno peppers 6 cans of pickled carrots for bottles of juice. It was a serious purchase. I also got 3 cartons of sort the most of the time. Everything is still on the table waiting to be put away. Somehow, this purchase, though relatively expensive makes me feel relatively secure. We're going to do this again, probably the 1st of the month now, but set our sights little bit higher and go to Costco and do some more serious shopping. I forgot how nice it was to have a vehicle or access to one.

The storm water to about 2:30 PM just as I was getting my workout. NPR was on “the world” followed by “marketplace” is cranking my bike looked out the window at the newest snowfall! Is right about that same time back winter was supposedly turning to spring. I know it's not a big deal snow storm often accompany spring. They just seem to be a bit ironic for the snowstorm to be hitting right during switch over. Of course, tomorrow Tuesday I'm sure I'll have a meeting downtown Salt Lake at assist, Inc. and it will be snowing or raining which is fine. I can make sure I charge the chair tonight so it will be full of juice and then bundle up good in the morning before I head out to catch the bus inbound. The weather people have coined a new phrase “atmospheric river”. Certainly gives rise to an interesting visual all I know is I'm at the bottom of this atmospheric river trying to stay dry. Storms of wind up again all the way through to the end of next week now be on the road at least for the next 2 days just trying to get dry…

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