Sunday, March 05, 2023

Slow Sunday


Thank goodness for Sunday mornings breakfastwith the kids. Had I Not have breakfast with the kids todayI would have done nothing to do except watch television. I haven't even moved around the apartment complex today. It was just good to stay inside. There was more snow during the night not very much actually just a skiff but there was a wind blowing making the day cold to the point that I just want to stay inside vegetate. I still feel guilty on wasting a day like that right now it's just the best I could do.

I had an omelette for breakfast, A Denver omelette which was quite good. I really enjoyed green peppers in my eggs. Of course there is the potatoes of with its the meals made me feel bloated all day. Had a few pieces of candy and if you peppers jalapenos And that's been pretty much it for the day. I would like to feel hungry enough that one of the tamales which I purchased from the tamale man. I spent $15 for 9 tamales I don't know if that was the deal but I sure enjoyed having them around to snack on or to build a meal around. They are real tamales, chicken, frijoles and another kind I can't remember. The cornmeal's excellent which the tamales made of and quite plump totally worth what I paid for. I just have to exercise self-control and only one or 2 a day.

It was great seeing the kids are enjoying our conversations over breakfast watching everybody interact each other during this time. We usually spend about 2 hours either visiting and then were on our way to various Sunday destinations.

I know this will be a short entry was you could tell not a lot happened today which Was blog worthy

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