Thursday, March 02, 2023

Thoroughly Thursday

I don't know there's anything wrong with me are watch what I'm sitting on a another pile of poop and hoping I can get it taken care before it explodes. I Have the call in Mark Anthony will hopefully can come and assist. This bowel movement kind of surprised me since I went yesterday Fairly decent session and go for a while longer. I don't know that something pathological or just dietary. But I don't think I have eaten that many nuts. Just weird that's happening more and more frequently.

Been sort of a busy day for me. I knew theucat boys would be in today I felt pretty confident that they be able to fix the delicately mounted control blocks my chair. I've been very careful with this fix that my Mechanic was able to pull off. It would last forever and I know my silly mistakes that I do all the time I destroyed the device stranded me very easily. The day started out fairly well, getting dressed even my shoes and attending the coffee social. We almost didn't happen again but the ladies were restless as I. Truly, I just wanted to get the event over with so I jumped the bus And headed into UATP. There is just a few of us this morning coffee estate for about an 30 minutes and took my leave. When I got the apartment I realize I had 20 minutes to get my jacket on and out the door. Luckily The bus that I needed stop is right outside the back gate. I did not have to wait very long before the 217 rolled up and I was on way. I think it's a long ride up to the Buflmire building. I enjoyed the ride however And I cruised right up to the backdoor. I really like these guys really low-key our stop to help me for whatever I need. Today was no different. I had to wait a little bit just because there was a customer front of me but that's not a problem I engaged with other staff very talkative paraplegic. The double wild fix my chair to totally rebuilt the control box which they did about 45 minutes I was good as new. The charge: $10! Then on top of that what looked like a fairly rich paraplegic asked if you could pay for the whole piece. I of course said “sure”. And that was that.

I stopped at the market on the way home probably the 1st time since the great snowtence. Picked up a few things the most important being celery. I had to beg a box to get home on. It was a bit of a challenge but all the sidewalks were clear of snow. I was cold by the time I got home and just about this today during the usual. Forgot to mention the best part of my day was finding the Postage stamps for the kid letters and off they went.

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