Monday, October 26, 2020

Miles and Miles and Miles


Perhaps is just a Covid virus and the fact that I don't have anything else to do to speak of other than the usual apartment will dribble of clean this, put this away put that away, wash the dishes and that kind of drivel. So anything that seems a bit out of the ordinary is fair game to write about and I'm using the Covid 19 virus to write about.

I've noted last couple weeks maybe the past couple of months after I turned 900 miles or rather 3900 miles that I was relatively soon going to come up on 4000 miles! To me this is a big deal not only because it's just one more brick in the wall of that fictitious wall I'm visualizing which I'm building that will eventually lead to a new power chair but also the fact that I've endured 4000 miles or will have on the big number drops. Hopefully now the insurance folks will see that I'm worthy of a new chair. In the best of times this is a process and usually a lengthy process but now it's beyond almost comprehension. Now, not only do I have to justify my need for a chair and this will be through cornering my physician as well as physical therapists and most likely occupational therapist all of which will need to sign documents justifying my need for such a device. Actually, I may have a lot of this already in a file somewhere at my durable medical persons office. The plan was to have all the stuff in place so when we deem its “time” we can just drop the hammer and everything will fall into place. So soon, very soon I will begin making phone calls but remember what I said? “In the best of times this would be a struggle”. Now everything has what seems like one level which can magically turn into multiple levels because of the virus. All the doctor soon to be overworked with just the pandemic and things other elective seem to be being pushed to the back burners. I can appreciate this but I want to make sure that if and when the window of opportunity should open that I can shimmy through as quickly as possible and begin putting together the moves for new chair.

It's not as if I'm unhappy with this chair, no I'm extremely pleased with this chair but I also have to look at the concept that the poor chair has gone 4000 miles. Every time I tilt back in my chair things tend to slip. I feel my need instantaneous shifting and that first kind of freaked me out thinking that the whole chair was going to slide off the mounting. This of course has not happened… Yet but I wouldn't be surprised if one of these days the whole seating assembly of all right off when I least expect it. I basically trusted chair but each night around 11:30 PM when I am about ready to tumble into bed I freak out a little bit thinking “what if this is the time my chair falls apart leaving me stranded all my in the back position.” Like I said, this is not happened yet but there's always a first time. A year ago when this first started happening I would keep my cell phone with me at all times are try to. Now I just need to get to the Alexis or other AI device that would allow me to call for help should lineup an emergency situation. I will rather go this route then have to deal with one of those agencies which enrolls you in the program that you have to wear a device around your/my neck to tap In case of emergency

A kind of dread even started this process in the middle of the Covid crisis, the winter season and the holidays. Not just easier and less painful to wait till January to see who still live…

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