Saturday, December 26, 2020

Dream A Little


Do you remember that movie “Inception” where the scientists are deep into dream theory and dream study? How they had to carry a fob in their pocket that if they found themselves in a situation they weren't sure whether they were in the dream are not the fob would somehow let them know they were in a dream. It's a pretty good show I guess it would be in the realm of science fiction at the very least it certainly raises a lot of interesting ideas. What's interesting is like how these characters also been found themselves in the middle of a dream not really sure how they got there or what is happening.

I can so identify with that concept of all of the sudden I will be in a dream state and not really sure how I got there. A good example was the other morning when I woke I remember the dream I was at some sort of media function, a conference or ceremony for people who produce video products or movies are whatever. I found myself at this event, I kind of think it was in like Park city or place like that, and I felt totally insecure because I didn't belong there. I felt people would find out that I was a fraud and I was under false pretense to be at this event. I liked being there and I really wanted to be taken seriously and incredibly but I knew this couldn't be. Eventually, thank goodness, I woke safely in my bed totally relieved that it was just a dream. It would be great to have some control over something like this that you could manipulate and then this phenomenon to meet your needs or entertainment. Years ago when I first started working in psychology are trained under a clinical psychologist named David Fixx, that was really his nine, he worked for Ada County Mental Health. Fixx was my clinical advisor I assisted running a group therapy session on Tuesday afternoons. Fixx was interested in dream manipulation and I suppose he is the individual got me thinking in this direction as well. Needless to say, I really never done anything clinical or significant in this area but I like to think about the concepts every once in a while on waking early morning from such a weird experience.

It's the day after Christmas and already I'm getting excited about the lengthening of the days and getting ready to begin a new year. I don't think I'll do anything as sophomoric as actually writing down resolutions and such (sure means to failure and feelings of inadequacy) but I want to focus on working on myself in a lot of areas. I want to lose weight, increase strength, work more my art and in general be more creative. Who knows maybe even dream more and fail less…

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