Monday, December 07, 2020

Frozen Foods


Really, the only thing I need from the market on Monday mornings is usually fruit, fresh fruit. I usually have enough of everything else really because I just got through the weekend. Today I did the usual : picked up some bananas, fresh firm grapes been picked up some bean burritos. A number of months ago the market workshop moved the frozen items at the end of the store specifically my bean burritos. The move happened when the market went through a major remodel. The burritos got shifted to a new frozen section of foreign foods (?). It took me a number of weeks to figure out where theburritos were at. I know where they are at now. When I picked up burritos I noticed a host of other frozen foods from far away lands. I begin to think to myself how come up never tried any of these? Everything from noodles to rice. I really do enjoy Asian food. I made a decision that I was going to diversify my food intake for the next couple of months if not forever. This of course is major risk behavior. You all know how much I have buyers remorse. But I'm going to give it a shot and with that I reached over and wrangled a package of frozen potstickers into my basket. I am not sure why I chose the potstickers but probably from some influence from an early roommate Lowell Kingsford.

Lowell was with the military during the Vietnam war just before he became my roommate at university. He was Air Force aircraft mechanic. Lowell lived off-base and loved potstickers. I've never heard of such things. He often spoke of these but we never had any and it was only later when we started going to Café Trang who offered potstickers as an entrée and we love them and would always order potstickers when we got the chance.

It's been forever now that would go out and drink beer and talk about his potstickers. I'm not a connoisseur of potstickers but I like them and I am kind of of looking forward to trying out this frozen delicacies first chance that I get. I'm sure they will not be anything like what I was served aat Café Trang but it will be a change of pace something different than my usual shopping experience. There are a number of other frozen options plus I go to the frozen seafood area all kinds of things I can choose to enjoy, which I should, I don't know however I will continue. One can only eat so much shrimp and I don't think I would ever even consider clams, scallops or catfish one must draw the line on aquatic protein at some point. Still it's amazing what is offered these days been frozen foods…

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