Saturday, December 19, 2020

Wreck-it Mark


I don't know if was a new batteries are the fact that it was Saturday and I could sleep late if I wanted to whatever the reason I think I woke at 4 AM and never really got back to sleep. I finally drug myself out of bed around 6 AM and surprisingly did not feel half bad. Made in this the kitchen making breakfast but after all it's Christmas week! I cannot believe it Christmas 2020 it's almost here.

Remember how I always describe myself as sort of a Wreck-it Ralph? Well, I still have the touch. Like I said I was excited I really wanted to get out and put some miles on the batteries and let them expend some energy so I can continue the “learning process” breaking my new batteries in. They say it takes about six times of using the batteries and recharging them for the batteries begin the learner cycle process. Don't ask me I just am doing what the battery guy says. We are kind of in and in between day so the weather is supposed to be pretty nice. Whether did look nice, the sun was out but I have to admit I was cold not too bad however and I really don't think were in long pants and make that much difference as opposed to going out in my shorts however that doesn't seem to be the case for the general public. The seemingly nice-looking lady looked at me and came out and said “you really need to wear long pants if your legs fall below a certain temperature you could be in big trouble…”. This is the kind of remark super villains make, if only I could turn into one. I just nodded and smiled and she eventually turned back into waiting in line for checkout. Unbelievable. I did something today I rarely do I cut a proud of myself. Because Dianne remind me where the towel rack I had in the back of my closet I was able take the towel rack I purchased from Ross's the other day, back to the store for refund or possibly to exchange for something else I had in mind. Historically, I would just end up keeping the purchased rack and probably throw it to the back of my closet or under my bed and be out the $17. The only problem was I forgot that it was Christmas week and everybody in her duck was also at Ross's doing the same thing. The line for refunds will caucusing for the 5 o'clock news at a Covid station. I was somewhat impressed how fast the folks for processing the refunds.

Like I said, it didn't take long for the 10 or so people in front of me to get their refunds. I grabbed my cash stuffed in my wallet and went back to the shopping floor to see if I can find the hot cups I'd seen last time I was here. I was surprised I could not find them anywhere so I thought perhaps I go back to T.J. Maxx and see what they had and sure enough my cups were there. Ross's and T.J. Maxx been a low-end shopping store is totally packed not only with shoppers but with merchandise it's everywhere. Sure enough, there comes Mark a.k.a. Wreck-it Ralph as it turned the corner on one of the isles my back wheels cut the corner of a tower stacked merchandise. I don't remember what I didn't even see them I just heard the whole pile come crashing down. I wish I'd stopped and turned and taken a picture of it, the mess I created but I just powered on and found the cups I've been looking for. I sheepishly broad in the horrendous line in 10 minutes later left T.J. Maxx heading straight home in the cold sunlight of this late autumn afternoon almost winter…

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