Tuesday, November 09, 2021

A Little Rain And A Little Pain

I dictate these blog entries every day. Today's a bit of a challenge since my mouth is still somewhat numbed up from a trip to the dentist this afternoon. Was quite a busy Tuesday in fact I had forgotten that my dentist appointment was today. For some reason I was thinking it was tomorrow. But then I remembered I scheduled for 2 o'clock in the afternoon because I knew I would be at my meeting in downtown Salt Lake this morning at 11 AM till 12 noon which I was sure would give me enough time to get back home and it was. The data is not necessarily cold but it was cool and uncomfortable if you had to be out in the elements. Often on a rain fell but it was more sprinkles than real rain. But I was glad to do my duty to get out and sign my name for a number of projects that the office was involved in. I wish I could say something remarkable happened on my trip but it was a calm trip except for a walk-through of transit cops heading to the back cars where they said something was going on. I didn't hear anything back and that was fine by me. Actually have a couple hours before my 2 o'clock appointment in the dental chair with the just sort of rested, brush my teeth and made sure I was ready for however long it would take for two cavities it'd seem like Dr.Anderson scheduled one-hour but he's a busy guy and sometimes the hour stretches on as he's working on numerous patients. Today Dr. Anderson seemed very busy rushing here rushing there. I got settled into the nitrous oxide and was happy enough. There is a nurse there, a friend of the dentists who was trying to learn how to do, I guess, shots in the mouth. So the good Dr. had the nurse stand close by as he for the first time explained his technique of finding the nerves that needed to be deadened for the procedure. Dr. Anderson has done this work so long that he doesn't even think about the process he just performs it but to hear him explain it was really quite enlightening. Once again I took a lot of novocaine or whatever is used these days to make sure my mouth was securely asleep. The only discomfort I experienced was when he would break through the dead zone into new nerve areas. The procedure is fairly light just some surface decay which had to be patched so there is a minimal amount of drilling no smoke. The needle and the damage done, sounds like a song, but soon I was done the nitrous oxide was replaced with Oxygen. I was glad to get this portion of the day over with especially the handing over of my credit card. 300 and some odd bucks. I'm so glad that I've been able to keep my card paid down. I'm sure it's because I've been so cautious with all the stimulus money I received. Certain is made life a bit less traumatic. Not too exciting of a day but a good day just the same…

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