Saturday, November 20, 2021

Morning Mush


It's official, I'm all grown up, possibly worse I'm old. I'm still suffering from the visit to my internist this last week. I'm still trying to eat healthy as he suggested. So to that regard and trying to stay away from prepared breakfast foods like Cheerios are frosted flakes. Instead, this morning I elected to actually make oatmeal! You know mush, hot cereal. Mush or hot cereal was a staple growing up at my home. I don't know of anybody else had to suffer through hot mush before they went off the class in the morning but I did. Oatmeal, Cracked wheat even whole wheat. We even had cornmeal mush which is really weird. I think my mom had this philosophy that anything cooked from grains covered with enough brown sugar or honey was viable as a breakfast material so hot cereal along with two pieces of toast was my breakfast meal along with a glass of milk. I rarely put the milk on the cereal as my parents did I figured it just made more unpalatable foodstuff to have to consume.

Interestingly as I've gotten older especially now at 70 years old I am beginning to examine my food materials much closer. Even though I still enjoy a great steak, roast beef even vegetables raw I find myself kind of shying away from them just because these food products are getting difficult for me to eat from a dental standpoint. Thankfully, I still have enough of my original teeth to just about masticate anything I can get my mouth around our stuff into my mouth but it takes longer and I have to spend more time, usually before bed, digging out the debris between my teeth because if I don't, aside from possible tooth decay, I teeth will actually hurt because of the pressure between the teeth caused by the food materials lodged in their. I now understand Dickens reference in “Christmas Carol” where Scroog finds a bowl of porridge i.e. oatmeal to eat before he goes to bed probably because it's the easiest thing for him to eat on all levels. I think I mentioned this last time I had a tooth removed (a couple weeks ago) that I actually became anxious because the tooth which was pulled was one of the back molars the day uses a grinder and I realized the really is purpose to conserving your teeth! Just as an update that area has healed and I'm getting along just fine without an implant or any other prosthetic device thank gosh. I still might get a bridge at some point in time right now I'm doing great as I am.

It's sadly, a couple years ago, I was motivated to make some oatmeal cookies I got a large container of rolled oats. I made the cookies but the oats of stayed there ever since in fact a couple weeks ago I knocked the top off of the carton of oats and I'm sure those weird pantry flies colonized the pile. Luckily, the couple weeks ago a smashed up yet sealed container of oats, albeit much smaller, showed up at the sharing shelf which I promptly grabbed. So, I through the old oats away (which is part of my new philosophy which is to eat as new as possible) and opened up the small container of rolled oats and made mush! What a cup of oats into boiling water, salt of the preferred, and then cook for a minute or two there you go. Two pieces of toast nicely buttered and coffee made a great breakfast and guess what I had enough left over that if I wanted to I could even have mush before I went to bed just like Ebenezer…

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