Monday, November 01, 2021

Hotdog and Wedges


It's kind of weird. I had a really challenging night last night trying to get some sleep trying to keep the bed dry. Like I said it was kind of weird I even think I may have had the temperature at some point because at some point during the night I was working for me over my body like a broken fever. I was even intimidated about getting up this morning not knowing if I had enough strength to accomplish the left but I did what I did a quite well. I was pleased to find out that even though my regular home health assistant had to go to the hospital over the weekend the agency had found another person to step in and I had great coverage. A younger individual named Melissa who took direction extremely well and totally put me at ease into my morning routine.

Another day spent mostly in the apartment aside from a couple trash runs. There was overcast but warm day. Of course I had planned to spend the day getting my letters ready to post tomorrow day after when I realize that the printer no longer to be found by the computer or the CPU. Luckily I can always use the printer at the computer lab here the building. We usually have a pretty decent amount of stock in the printer but of course today there are empty so is right back and forth I finally got a handful of paper from the front desk and put it in the printer. The only trouble is the printer, as far as I know, cannot print envelopes. It's a nice printer almost industrial in nature there's got to be a way to print envelopes but I don't know how. So I did print off the letters and worst-case scenario I would hand address them as pitiful that would be. The other part of my afternoon was spent on the phone line with my computer company who does backup for my system and I got a good little tech to talk me through the process of having my CPU matchup with the printer once again I haven't working system. It's late now I don't think kids around to printing in any letters tonigh. This is nice having my printer working once again. I just wish I knew what happened or what happens when major changes plague my computer system .

The best part of my afternoon, late afternoon, was challenging myself to do something new which was to try out the new toaster oven and specifically the air fryer which came with the oven. Not too sure what that's all about but I certainly dug in with one great potato this from kicking around the apartment for a couple weeks now. I was almost afraid it would be passed the potatoes usability. But nope it was just right I took the tater in the six wedges painted the spotted with olive oil and then sprinkled spices on the wedges and put them in the toaster oven for 25 minutes. It was relatively simple and turned out pretty good I was really impressed. For dinner then I had potato wedges my last hotdog complete with bun and mustard. It made a nice little dinner I think I'll have grapes for a dessert and hopefully an early night because tomorrow I have my meeting downtown

make sure I'm ready for it I just hope I'm not too odorefic…

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