Friday, November 05, 2021

Spicy Chicken


I don't feel sick, that's the funny thing, I feel I can just get by until the 10th when I've got the urologist appointment. I'm not sure what I expect out of that meeting but I'm sure hoping. Anyway, all that changed when this morning I noticed there was significant blood and other white material in my urine to the point where it scared me into action and so on a perfectly beautiful autumn day when I should be out doing stuff that is fun and memorable I'm waiting for the bus to Insta-care, the “dock in the box” close to me that feed to the big hospital system that I utilize.

Of course people close to me feel I should go immediately into the emergency room but I've been that route. Is not that those guys don't know what they're doing but I get the strong impression that they don't know what they're doing. And I did was show up again only to be mocked. I know I'm begin to sound like one of those weird people can't find a doctor give them a diagnosis they want. I just want to be talked down to and want to feel like my times worthwhile and not wasted at the emergency room level. Thank goodness it was a beautiful day I would've hated to make this trip and snow or rain or cold weather. I caught route 47 westbound from Community College. That was going to be about 40 minutes so I just laid by chair back in the sun and tried to does. That worked good enough. I Finally got to insta care And got in line. I was kind surprised to see how many people were there to get vaccines especially for Covid. There were all folks of color brown black and in between.

The Insta care people have pretty good notes on me and all I have to do is verify my name and birthday usually. It took a while but finally they got to me I rehearsed Why I was there And was shuffled off to the little room with a bottle. Seemed like I was g in slow motion but I finally got the job done with only one interruption from the doc covering The sick and benighted of folks on the west side. I don't know of was me or my presentation or whatever but I don't think the doc liked me very much. He, of course one to send me immediately to the emergency room. I told him that wasn't going to happen and filled him in on what happened the last two times I went. Still he was earnestly humble about what he was able to do for the whole clinic was able to do. He kept just calling it an insignificant little clinic. I just stuck to my guns and kept hammering the fact that little clinic are not there was capable of doing big things. I don't think it was my powers of persuasion as much as it was his motivation to get me out of there buddy finally offered to write me a script for Cipro which I take it in the past which is really kick the butt on some of these infections. He called me in a script to my neighborhood market, Macy's and stopped there on the way home. I wonder if I'm becoming belligerent. I used to do pretty well at these kind of things. Probably because it was the only fast food joint it was next to the bus stop but I stopped at Popeye's on the way home. And I got a spicy chicken Sandwich. I never ordered chicken sandwiches. I ate a little bit before the bus came and finished it when I got home in front of the 5 o'clock news. I immediately took the first Cipro and am hoping for the best would that be a hoot if the Cipro just kick the butt of whatever I have…?

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