Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Luncheon! First World Complaints


I have to admit I'm mildly impressed. Yesterday I had my meeting with the folks over at IHC with my internist and his resident and now I have two appointments from the referrals from my meeting. Not even sure what one of them is about which is kind of freaky. But as near as I can tell one is for the physiatrist. My only surmise that because the phone call I got this afternoon was for the colorectal clinic which is obviously for my hemorrhoids. Though I think I will follow up on the one appointment just to be sure. I certainly have the time since when appointment is in February and the colorectal is a March! It's a good thing I'm not bleeding out. Since bleeding out is something I'm really A sort of worried about– the scheduler reassured me I would be all right. I just have to keep telling myself that this is good, this is a good thing. At least I'm making contact with all the medical folks the who could have a major impact on my life. Frightening as all this is to me I do have a strange feeling of comfort them doing the right thing. I just hope I don't find any catastrophic results.

Oddly now that I've gone through all this effort to at least begin coping with my colorectal issues i.e. major blood flows. This morning there was no blood at all toilet. What might body knows it's being taken to the professionals so the body to the fix itself. Well good luck, I would do it anyway. So, I was strapped to my arm bike working on my second hundred minutes for the week was a knock on my door is my neighbor across the hall , Billie who was informing me that lunch is being provided today by the apartment management folks I think as a tribute to Thanksgiving. It was not a full blown out Thanksgiving turkey Festival but it was shredded turkey on white roles with the accoutrements and pies following the meal. Cold cuts but not bad I have to admit. Sadly, I would've missed the whole thing probably. It's not like it wasn't in the calendar that's passed around every month. One lands on the door. It's kind of a poor excuse for a newsletter – – which I indicated I would assist in producing if they wanted to – – but they didn't so we get a slick glossy document whose only real value is the calendar which is fairly generic except when they do have something like “Luncheon”.

There's no where I feel comfortable in the common room. All the tables are so low I cannot get under any of them with my power chair. So anytime there is a meal I have to either that a distance, which I can do no problem it's just awkward. Today I sat with a number of the ladies love gotten to know here at the apartment complex. Probably wouldn't have been my first choice was forgot annexed into the group. Those little surprised because I seem to be a little dull today. I wish I could've been a bit more chipper and after but I think I was kind of depressed that it was just cold cuts and not a full-blown turkey dinner – – is this a great example of first world problems are what? I really empathetic. Truth is the meal was great (could've been greater) and I wish that had some kind of flavored drink and possibly even coffee to go with the pies…

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