Friday, November 26, 2021

Bounties On My Door!


It started sometime this summer. I can't rightly remember exactly what day. I like to read in the afternoon sun and heat often in the shade of an overhang by the back door of my apartment complex. From this vantage point I can read, watch the traffic on River Road, listen to the kids of the skateboard park next door and watch the Jets come in and leave the local airport especially in late afternoon and early evening. I didn't know who she was. She would stop on the way to her car or when she was out walking her small dog and we would visit briefly. She's a tall and ghostly lady course much older than I am part seems to be. I'm sure she was quite attractive in her day – – and she still lives in her way. Long silver hair, tight facial skin that's all you can see she's quite clothed otherwise. Anyway, she thinks I'm bright, smart that shows what she knows. She seems to go quite often to Costco. On one such trip she asked if I needed anything but I told her she saw any good-looking grapes I would be interested. Later that afternoon I opened the door to find a bag hanging from the doorknob a box/carton of red grapes. I was a little taken back I want to split grapes with her and pay her for half the cost. At that time, I did not even know her name let alone, her apartment number. I didn't eat any of the grapes for a day I have not wanting to mess up “haves”. When I finally did find her she indicated they are all for me which I gladly took.

Now, there's been a couple of incidents when I opened the door and there's all kinds of treasures/treats. The little waxing closed baubles of cheese for instance with crackers. Also there's been cartons of tomatoes small cherry tomato type tomatoes but very good and very fresh along with small cucumbers the size of your large finger and on the day after Thanksgiving, this morning when my home health person left the apartment there is yet another large white garbage bag tied in the not resting by the door. On inspection there was half of a Costco pie which are just huge, a turkey dinner (frozen or was at one point in morning) and a can of whipped cream! I think I need to put a stop to this. We didn't feel creepy. Of course confided in my neighbor across the hall Billie. Of course the first thing she said is that I'm being courted! I'm not sure how I feel about that. I'm not interested in pets are any long-term relationships at this point in my life because nothing is long-term. Even if I were interested in this person who is much older than I and I'm 70. It would be much too painful and the best circumstances she's a short-term and I just don't want to have to deal with anymore death that I'm going to have to deal with as it is. I'm sure if I confronted this person she would say she just being nice. But still feels kind of spooky not sure what I'm supposed to do aside from the bounties from the door

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