Monday, January 03, 2022

January 02


It was truly great to see the buses running again today, granted it was the Sunday schedule, but they are out there on the routes to compete love who could get to the routes. Mark contacted me last night later in the evening to see if we're going to breakfast this morning and I indicated I was up for the experience and they were as well. I've had a tickle in my chest/throat for the last couple days. It's weird now anything respiratory, even if it's just a little, spooks me. Is it the virus? Is it a minor version of the virus is is good take me out in my contagious? Times five or whatever. Mark didn't seem to be too worried but then again he's had Covid actually and he has the boosters and everything so he's okay same way with Jasmine. I probably should've gone out even though I wrapped myself up in a red leg/lap blanket as well as my great whitecoat. I think I be given to spiral however. We had a great breakfast with great conversation but now that I'm at home for five or six hours I can feel myself spiraling down into some sort of illness. I don't think I have a temperature of my cough seems to be getting worse. Space I got home and dictated another letter actually two. I basically have my letters written for the month. As a couple I might include. I still have Anakah. Plus I want to write a thank you note to Kristy for the Christmas gift, the woodcut. I've grown quite fond of it in this short period of time.

I wish I knew how sick I was going to be. I don't think that's the virus knock on wood. I think I've just caught something. Hot soup – – chicken soup will be in order and crackers and anything else that I think will stem the tide of this cough and sniffle I seem to have. I kind of like to have more sprites/7 up but I do have lots of great juice and unsweetened apple/cranberry juice. So I have something tolerable to the five must push fluids to get on top of this. The only thing I worry about is missing another assist Inc. meeting on Tuesday and of course the: snow for Tuesday. I don't need pneumonia. So aside from my assist meeting all I really have to do this week of any importance is to drop off my rent check. And if I'm real focused I might be able to do that tonight even though I don't like to do that on Sunday would just say the the cows in the mire or whatever that saying is which means that some things just have to be done regardless of the day or the time.

Hopefully all feel better tomorrow after my shower and dressed. While I'm fresh perhaps I can start printing the letters in the envelopes. I'm a little worried about ink in my printer but I should be okay I hope. If not the letters of lot eventually sometimes assaulted hope for. I wish I had an image for tonight's post I just don't know don't want to make anything up particularly so deal with it…

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