Thursday, January 27, 2022

Thoroughly Thursday


It's kind of weird but I've been barely out of my apartment all week. I of course am blaming the cold weather, and it is cold there's no question, but I think it's more than that I think I don't have any reason to be going out. I still have all the basic food that I eat during the week enough to get you through till tomorrow or even Saturday. I need some more vegetable juice and fruit but really that's about it I have everything else that I need. Today was the coffee klatch was going to boycott the group this morning pretending I was going to go out and try to get the ID from the state with the photocopies of my birth certificate Social Security card but with my credit card now there's really no need. And besides I was interested in seeing how Rochelle, the resident advocate, handles the group. It was an interesting function. Of course there were no donuts as can a faked out because one of the folks here at the facility had a son go out and pick up some bagels which they commit out when I came around the corner and saw them lying out on the counter. I thought sure donuts and finally, but no that was not the case. We had food bank treats and sometimes that's all you need sugar cures anything.

I thought it was interesting to hear some of the other folks talk about the stress of having to be in your apartment all day because there is either nothing to do or no way to get out. The talk about how nice it is to come down to the group because it allows him to have a reason to leave their apartments. But I keep coming back to the thought though I must really be strange because I'm feeling weirded out because I enjoy my apartment so much and it's kind of a drag to have to leave it for any particular reason. I don't even think I'm getting the reinforcement that I used to when I used to use the trips to the market as my stab at socialization. Now things might be different, I guess if I did not have access to the Internet and to all the world that I do with such a connection then if I did not have this access perhaps I would be in trouble. But luckily, for the time being, that is not the case. Speaking of going to the market I continue to struggle with the concept of home delivery. I just can't pull the trigger and figure out the system of finding a market that will deliver things. This was brought up briefly this morning in the group– – many of the participants use home delivery of one sort or another whether from Smith's, Walmart or Macy's or whatever. They all complain about the market not having what they want to order and how they have to deal with whatever else is used as a substitute I really don't have to go through that if I don't have to. I'm sure once I pull the trigger and start the practice I will just go with the flow and be at home shopper. Maybe, or maybe I'll just use home delivery and worst-case scenarios on them so lazy I can't stand it

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Home delivery is the worst for groceries, they constantly are substituting goods. I would continue to go to the store, even if it is just to be around people.