Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Cold Days and Clear Vision


I hate to harp on the weather but seriously is the major thing happening in my life right now. I'm really allowing the severity of the weather dictate as to whether I go anywhere not in my power chair. I have to admit that it's easier to stay in where it's warm and dry and relatively interesting. Snow fell during the night minimal but significant to the point where snow removers are brought out early this morning and I could hear them scraping outside my window. The clouds were dark and heavy when I got up also reinforcing my need to stay in. The only thing on my agenda today was a eye examination that was being offered by some ocular group to folks are at the apartment complex. I figure this be a good way to get an prescription for new lenses since the lenses of my glasses now our scuffed up to the point where they are almost useless. I could've gotten the appointment for an earlytime like 8 o'clock 10 o'clock or 1 o'clock but I wasn't sure at the time that I've even be in the area since it is Tuesday morning when I typically have my Assist meetings. Therefore, even if I did have my Assist meeting I would be back in time so I set the appointment for 4 PM. There is no Assist meeting unluckily is able to move where appointment down to 3:30 PM which didn't seem quite so bad.

Interestingly optometry operation is fairly sophisticated. This optometry group takes over a section of our community room setting up a small office and exam area. Got a little front desk office that takes care of all the appointments as well as the billing. They're essentially picking low fruit by offering these examinations to people with Medicare or Medicaid or whoever will is paying and then offering to sell the people glasses other kinds of optometry paraphernalia needed when you're a glass (as in glasses) wearing American. I was amazed at how much time the optometrist met with me. He was very social and very talkative as I can be. I was intrigued to have somebody I can actually ask questions about the optometry profession and how they tied it with the other medical professions. Did he feel they were respected as far as optometry been part of the medical profession by other medical professionals. Sort of like to medical doctors really think dentists are real doctors too. He was quite candid and kind of felt that yes optometry did get less respect from his medical colleagues that he'd prefer but they're pretty much used to that. The whole idea is very political and was very interesting to hear how the large part of the stature of the optometry profession has been dictated by insurance companies as to what is medicine and what is not of course will be covered will not be covered by an insurance provider. Excuse the pun but eye-opening. Like I said I spent a long time with this guy I think he was just excited having someone to visit with you didn't drag a small dog or cat along to the examination. Everybody who gotten examination today had to provide their insurance cards are with their carrier but what is system spending the whole day if not more at the living facilities of a bunch of seniors who of course need to have their vision checked out one where the other and have a guaranteed payment. It would be kind of nerve-racking doing this day in and day out unless you really love people in my guy really did I could tell recently had a mixture story my enjoyed my time with them and in the end got my prescription for new lenses. I don't know file order a new lenses anytime soon but who knows this may have made all the difference…okay

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