Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Alone and cold

To be honest some mornings I have to force myself to get out of bed. They're not too many mornings like that but lately when I know that I have to get dressed and head out to catch a bus in the morning hours I think how nice it would be just to burrow into my covers a little bit deeper and try to get back to sleep. Well that does not happen. I've got responsibilities and so I drag myself out of bed and do the whole morning routine until 8:00 when I call the office to see if they're going to be a meeting and sure enough we're having a meeting. Actually, the temperature was a too bad when I left the apartment to race up to the bus stop. If I didn't think about how chilly the morning was I didn't have much of a problem unfortunately I didn't have long to wait until the bus did arrive. Interested Lee though once again as I was waiting for the bus off in the distance there was a shoe! A shoe laying on its side actually quite a ways from where I was on the sidewalk and it was laying in a pile of dirt that had been recently turned over so it was loose and I didn't dare get off the sidewalk for fear of sinking my wheels into the loose dirt and then it would be a real challenge to get out. But I aimed my camera at the Shoe,lying forlorn on its side crusted with morning Frost searching for its mate. I snapped a couple images hopefully one of them will turn out to be somewhat identifiable as a shoe on its side.

We really didn't have many names to evaluate this week. It was mainly a holiday get together meeting I think we did about 7 or 8 names and then ate a lot of holiday crap from the recent open house and goodies that people bring in over the holiday season. The contractors we use always bring in a lot of good holiday trays with cheeses and meats and everything nice. There was a lot of jabber around the names today it was hard for the manager to keep focused it really was becoming a Christmas office. When we had finished the last name and again the jabber started picking up I decided it was time to take my leave which I did feeling a little bit like a humbug but turn into everybody and wishing everybody a happy holiday season and happy New Year since I don't think we will be meeting again until after the 1st of the year. I cannot remember what the stimulus was but something got me into thinking of the Christmas miracle. The constant reader knows that I typically believe there is a Christmas miracle, for me, every holiday season. Some of the Miracles are more subtle than others but I still deemed the Miracles all the same. Today it may have been the fact that the day reached 50° by the time I was coming home and it felt quite comfortable but I don't think that's a Christmas miracle as much as it was the Christmas tragedy of global warming. I was just trying to put the best face on it. But now I'm looking for it I may have found a minor miracle at the office but I'd like to find something a bit larger and more miraculous lipses

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