Friday, December 08, 2023

Open House


Wouldn't you know the only day of the week it snows and the only time during the day where it snows is the time that I have to leave to catch the train to go into the city for the assist open house which is this afternoon starting at 4:00 p.m. to be honest I would rather have not really gone to the open house but since I missed my meeting on Tuesday and really it's one of the only open houses in the community that are worth going to as far as alcoholic beverages served and some of the better finger foods. It just seems so late in the day after all it is December and we're fastly getting to the shortest hours of daylight during the year. But I sat around all day at the apartment building up my focus to get totally dressed up warm in transit into the meeting or open house. Today I wore as always by shorts then I wore actually a t-shirt my Iron Man t-shirt and then over that I decided to wear my red jacket which is smooth going on and keeps me fairly warm and I found a pretty nice blanket I can put over my legs. I was set to go I checked the times again when went up again got the bus inbound. I timed it pretty well and I got to the assist office the little after 4:00. It was not really crowded which I didn't think it would be but still I made my entrance and at least it was warm inside the little office.

It's a cold day there's no question about it with menacing dark clouds spitting snowflakes off and on it was only after I started my trip that the snow did start coming down with a greater frequency. The snowflakes were strange they were little round Pebbles as opposed to flakes. So technically it probably wasn't even snow it's probably some sleep former some weird Alaskan name for snow. It's pure joy when the bus pulls up and the door is opened and you roll up into the heated belly of the Beast. It's the same feeling I get when I board the train. The right over from the park to the transit center wasn't very long a little bit of worth seeped in but the ride in from Murray Central to downtown Salt Lake to the library stop was nice and warm the rocking help to keep me almost awake. As I've said before the darkness comes quickly this time of the month this time of the year. Even though it's not really late it seems late when you're talking aimlessly to folks that you see once a year at this function is you keep an eye to the outside to see if it's snowing again or how dark the darkness is for 5:30 p.m. eventually however you start putting your little pile of trash you've created from the finger foods, chip dips and salted nuts. I make the rounds one more time and ask someone to take the blanket around my legs and Tighter to make sure they don't get caught in the wheels on the way home then head out in the Darkness of the Salt Lake December night

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