Sunday, December 17, 2023


It was kind of scary going this morning over to the restaurant. Not scary like Monsters and stuff scary like not prepared to deal with what might be coming out of the Fog namely cars. It was kind of strange to wake up to a totally sucked in environment. There was a heavy fog everywhere. I could barely see cars coming even with the lights on. On the way to the restaurant there is a cutout driveway that cuts onto the street I can cut across the street directly and on to the sidewalk by the restaurant cuts off two or three minutes of my travel time. I wasn't late by any means this morning but still didn't want to go all the way down to the light to cross the street. I just like zipping across. I knew I was relatively safe because at that hour of the morning not a lot of people are traveling especially on Sundays. So I knew I'd be okay I just had to play it cool across the street. On days when there is no fog, where I cross the street, I have a good vision of traffic from the south and from the north and there are pretty long red lights on either end of the block so I know I've got quite a bit of time to cross and this morning I had to go with seeing the lights change red and it's not seeing anybody coming or hearing anybody coming and zip the street. This I did without incident and nobody honked at me or anything which is always a good day when jaywalking across the street or Jay rolling how are that would be said and particularly since it wasn't a cop or anything. A little bit of excitement for this Sunday very close to Christmas.

The inversion continues to be settled over the Salt Lake Valley trapping in all the pollutants and other things that are probably very dangerous to inhale. I should probably wear a mask of some sort to protect me from the particulate matter but it just seems like too much work. The days are cold especially with no sunshine to give the illusion of warmth. Since Mark was with me this morning we stopped at the market on the way back and I was able to pick up 10 cans of my pickled peppers sliced and a box of oranges. I know it's probably a myth but I still believe eating oranges protects against cold and other disease processes of the winter. Oranges are such a Christmas thing for me seems like when I was growing up that was the only time we got citrus fruit really. Lots of oranges it seem like at Christmas plus my grandparents who lived in Mesa Arizona often sent up literally a box of oranges and are grapefruit are both. Kind of a Christmas tradition. When I can find boxes of oranges- - even though they're not a deal- - I like to purchase some and believe I'm back in the late 50s waiting for the Box of oranges from my grandparents. You know what else was good? Where the peanuts that I get in my Christmas stock ing. They had a different flavor than peanuts in the Shell that I get today they must have had some sort of a Christmas flavor or maybe it's just they were raw peanuts or something not roasted yet. I've ordered a couple pounds of salted mixed nuts from The Nut House that I use should be here around the 21st that's still a week out well no couple days but still it's beginning to feel a lot like Christmas… 

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